Start from the beginning

"I didn't ask you to follow me." He retorted as she eventually made her way behind him, carefully brushing away his damp bangs and she lightly brushed and dried his hair. He was so used to the gesture he didn't even fight back as her small nimble fingers effortlessly untangled his knotted locks, "I wasn't aware that insuring your comfort and safety was something I needed to be directly ordered to do. Although, I'm sure this sort of excursion is something you could safely manage yourself." Her hands gently wiped away the excess water on his face, neck, and ears before carefully wrapping his hair in a comfortable headwrap.

"Exactly, I had it covered. I don't need you to dote on me." He sat up before ripping off the blue towel and tossing it onto the muddy concrete.

The girl picked it up without complaint before washing it off in the rain and folding it tightly, she placed the towel in a plastic bag before returning it to her bag. "You're standing at a bus stop." She commented as Killua frowned, "You're planning on taking the bus, correct?" She finally finished as he nodded.

"I'm curious about how you plan to accomplish that with no money." She stated as he frowned.

"Of course I brought money, I have it-..." He paused as he felt his pocket, his small satchel of coins missing. Panic ran through his body as the same satchel was dangled almost teasingly before his eyes.

He snatched it back with a growl as he glared daggers at the girl, "You left it on your bedside table, you were in such a hurry to leave you forgot to pack it." She stated simply as rain poured behind her.

"I packed a change of clothes as well, but I would recommend changing into them after a bath. For now, I packed a simple raincoat, it should keep you warm while shielding you from the cold. Out of her small black bag, she handed the boy a long gray trenchcoat that he put on begrudgingly as the bus finally arrived.

Its bright yellow lights shined on the two as Killua stared at her ghostly pale face, the lights failing to add even the slightest semblance of color to her monochromatic visage. The bus had splashed the girl as she looked at her shoes in disappointment.

"Just don't get in my way." He hissed before stepping onto the bus, he purposely tried to bump into her shoulder in doing so but only failed to do so as she nimbly shifted to the right only angering him further.

"I will do my best." She hums as she follows the boy, taking a seat beside him on the almost empty bus as he pushes her away. "There are a million other seats on this bus! Why are you sitting here?!" He hissed as she got up without warning and sat in a seat across from him, next to an ugly, churlish old man who eyed her curiously as she paid him no mind.

"Not including the driver's seat, the total number of seats on this bus is twenty-six. Not quite a million." She commented emotionlessly as the man behind her sat up, moving worryingly closer as Killua pulled her away shooting the man a death glare as he backed off.

"I meant that you should sit in one of the other twenty-two seats that are available, not the ones next to me or perverted old men..." He said, his words dripping with venom. The man looked away as Killua pulled Kamine even closer to him.

He gave a sigh of annoyance. Kamine, for being someone so smart, truly was an airhead majority of the time. Moving her closer to him failed to soothe the rare, growing feeling of anxiety that plagued him whenever she was around.

"You attract trouble like a magnet." He growled before standing up, pulling her along with him as he moved seats and shoved her against the window seat before sitting down himself with a sigh.

"It's a talent of mine." She comments simply as he groans. Normal people would interpret that comment as sarcasm but Killua knew of Kamine's sadistic side understanding she truly meant want she said, "Yeah well don't give that talent to me. I've got enough problems as it is." He replies.

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