Chapter Forty-Four: Order of the Fried Chickens

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"Oh, so that's where you, Harry, and Remus were staying during the summer," Kingsley had heard enough complaining about Harry not being in the room the others assigned him to a lot while they had been staying at the house.

"As if we would have let Harry room with a traitor," Sirius says. "Also, Harry deserved his own room in general just to have peace from everyone. If he was in a normal room on the regular floor, everyone would have been bothering him non-stop."

"I can definitely understand that," Kingsley said. "Harry really does not deserve them trying to control him."

"Not that it will stop them from trying," Sirius muttered, but Kingsley still heard him.

He placed his hand on Sirius's shoulder.

"Harry is going to be fine, Sirius," he tells him

"I can not help but still worry about him, Kings," Sirius says. "It's not just Voldemort and his death eaters that I want to not have the books, but Dumbledore is another person that I want these away from. Someone like Dumbledore is not someone that I want to be around these books."

"Would he even be able to get them," Kingsley asked him.

"While Tonks might not be a part of the Black family since her mother was disowned, the Black blood in her veins might still enable him to do some type of magic to take down the family wards," Sirius explains. "While Dumbledore might hate all things related to dark magic, I still do not want these books anywhere near him."

"It is better to be safe than sorry," Kingsley agreed with him.

Sirius's shoulders then sagged in a sad way.

"I'm not coming back, you know," he says. "After this, it is most likely that I will never step foot or paw in magical Britain ever again."

"I can not blame you," Kingsley said. "After everything that people in this country have done to both you and Harry, you have no obligations to stay here."

"But... I..." Sirius took hold of Kingsley's hand. "I don't want to leave you."

Kingsley was definitely shocked to hear that. He had liked Sirius for a while now. In fact, he actually had a crush on Sirius back when they had both been at Hogwarts and Sirius had been a couple of years above him. Not to mention that Sirius also had trained him when he first became an Auror. He had been heartbroken when he found out about Sirius being sent to Azkaban for supposedly betraying the Potters. He never believed it, but it's not like he could do anything about it.

He never thought that he would have been given a chance with Sirius. Plus, he understood how Sirius would much rather focus on keeping Harry safe and happy rather than trying to have any type of relationship. But now, it looked like they might be getting a second chance.

"Sirius, I..." Kingsley tried to talk.

"I know that things have been really rough for all of us," Sirus interrupted him. "But, you have no idea how much it meant to me to find out that you never believed that I was guilty. Everyone else didn't even think twice because I am a member of the Black family. But your faith and loyalty meant the world to me."

"James was your Auror partner, Sirius," Kingsley remembers. "I saw you two work together when you trained me to be an Auror. You two were brothers in everything but blood. I could never believe that you would put him or Harry in danger."

"Another reason why it makes it so hard to leave you," Sirius said. "You are one of the very few good people in this country. I can't just leave you here. Who knows what will happen? Especially if Dumbledore ever finds out that you are not actually loyal to him."

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