Christmas Special

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A/N: Thanks Home Alone for this inspiration lol, happy holidays to everyone! For context: N&C are in their early thirties here.

~10 years later~

"And what's this?"

Charlie raised his eyebrows. Goddamn golden retriever man. "Nick, you're not really supposed to be down here."

"It's just two pieces of wood, how is that an instrument?"

"Courtney is going to kill you. Stop touching the percussion equipment."

"Am I not allowed to visit my husband on stage?" Nick asked, flashing his best puppy dog eyes.

"Not if you break things hun."

"Can I ring the gong?"

"NO oh my god."

*SNAP* "Oh it's the clapping thing from sleigh ride"

"It's called a whip. And don't mention that song to me, I just got it out of my head."

"A whip huh? Sexy."

The violins were glaring at them. "Darling come here" Charlie said, getting up.

"Where are we going?" Nick followed him off the stage.

"Back to the choir loft where you belong."

Nick was about to protest when Charlie pushed him into the stairwell and planted their lips together.


"If you ask. One more. Goddamn question." Charlie said between kisses.

Nick tried to grab Charlie's waist but the other man pulled away. "There. Now go upstairs."

Nick looked stunned "but-"

"Shh" Charlie put a finger to his lips and left, chuckling to himself.

Even after 10 years together it amused him how he could make Nick's heart race in a matter of seconds. They had slowed down as they got older, but the chemistry was very much still there.

They were getting ready for the Symphony's Christmas concert, which showcased Handel's Messiah, along with a number of classic Christmas songs Charlie that became annoying earworms. Christmas was not really his thing anyway, it was Nick who insisted on decorations and festivities.

After rehearsal he retrieved his husband and they headed home. They had found themselves a cosy little house years ago, just big enough for the two of them and their new puppy Henry.

Nick's favourite pastime starting in the middle of November every year was visiting thrift shops to find the ugliest Christmas decorations, so every spare surface in their home held a terrifying child angel ceramic, or a Santa Claus doll with hand knitted clothes. Their tree was covered with tacky ornaments from places they had traveled, and macaroni crafts their nieces had made. Nick loved all of it and Charlie tolerated it because of how happy it made him.

Over dinner that night Nick said "you know how we're going to stay with my Mum for Christmas?"

"Yeah?" Charlie replied

"Well... she also wants us to come to church on Christmas day, Alison is in the choir and David asked if we would come see her perform."

Charlie didn't say anything for a moment, just rolled the corners of his napkin.

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