Chapter 1- First Glance

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Charlie frowned and erased a marking in his sheet music, replacing the dynamic with a slightly less dramatic one. He began to practice the sequence, stumbling a little on the runs he had not played for a while. But Beethoven's 9th was a classic, he would pick it up again soon. 

He glanced up from his piano at the rest of the orchestra, most people were chatting or tuning, though the headstrong first violin was practicing intently, keener. 

 Charlie sometimes liked being able to hide behind the piano, but other times he wished he had a stand partner, or a section to laugh with swap stories and advice. Since joining the orchestra a few months ago after graduating he had not made many friends, but the music filled him with joy and being able to play it every night was enough for him. 

Charlie returned to practicing and before long the concert-master was standing and shushing everyone, as the maestro made his way onto the stage. 

(A/N: the concert-master is the musician in charge of the orchestra, tuning, keeping them in line, that sort of thing, the maestro is the conductor)

The maestro clapped his hands together and smiled at the orchestra. He was a round man with a booming voice and a hint of a German accent.

"Welcome! I am Maestro Braun, your guest conductor for this performance. Beethoven holds a special place in my heart, and the 9th is an old favourite, as I'm sure you all would agree. We don't have many rehearsals before our first performance so let's get started." He stepped onto the podium and raised his hands "From the top!"


At break Charlie leaned against the wall sipping water, half listening to two flute players chattering beside him.

"Did you see him... he's so cute"

"Let me see!"

"Don't tear it.."

"I'm definitely going to try and talk to him next week"

They were pouring over the programs for the concert, looking at the soloists. 

Charlie leaned slightly to try and see whose headshot they were exclaiming over, but one girl's curly hair blocked his view. 

He was half tempted to ask them who they were talking about. He liked cute guys too. He shrugged to himself, the awkwardness was not worth it, not to mention outing himself to two random flute players he had never spoken to. 

He didn't try to hide the fact the he was gay or anything, his music folder even had rainbow stickers for anyone keen enough to notice it, and his skinny jeans and converse obsession certainly didn't make it LESS obvious.

Besides, he would find out who this cute guy was soon enough come next rehearsal.


Charlie sat down at his piano and stretched his fingers out, he had been practicing all week and they were a bit stiff. He tried to arrange his massive score on the music stand only for about half of it to tumble to the floor.

"Alright Charlie?" Hannah the harpist laughed as she bent to help him collect the sheets.

Hannah sat right behind him and was one of the only people he had sort of become friendly with.

"Thanks, I don't know why they make these ledges so small"

Hannah smiled and sat down behind her harp "At least you don't have to reach around a giant piece of metal to turn your pages"

"It would be nice to have a stand partner in times like these" Charlie said

"Yeah but then you have to fight with them about what markings to put in the score"

"True enough"

"Hem hem" At the front of the stage the concert-master was not so subtly clearing his throat, ending their conversation.

Maestro Braun came in and shook his hand, before turning to the orchestra.

"Tonight we have the privilege of being joined by our chorus..." He gestured above their heads to the choir loft. Charlie twisted around to see about 70 people milling about, mostly older men and women with greying hair and bright smiles.

 "... as well as our lovely soloists" Braun continued and Charlie suddenly noticed four people sitting primly in chairs at the front of the stage.

There were two women, one with shiny blonde hair, and the other a redhead with a short bob. Musical stereotypes were not always accurate but in this case they seemed to be, sitting on the end the blonde must be the soprano, the other woman the alto. 

Beside the redhead was a bald man with huge glasses- the tenor- and then the baritone, an athletic man with dark blonde hair. Charlie guessed that was who the girls had been exclaiming over last week, although he supposed bald guys could be hot too. 

He leaned slightly, trying to get a better look at both men- for research purposes obviously- and luckily Braun gestured for them to stand.

"Juliette our soprano, Olivia our alto, James our tenor, and Nicholas our baritone. We are pleased to have you here" Braun concluded and the soloists gave a little wave.


Charlie wondered if he went by Nick.

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