Chapter 8- Black Tie

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The second night of the concert went even better than the first, and Nick was still in the clouds from spending the morning with Charlie. 

He felt like he had endless energy as the orchestra's sound pounded in his ears and he belted out his melodies.

As soon as the applause and encores were over though he thought he wanted to collapse. Singing took a lot out of him and through the adrenaline he hadn't realized how much he was pushing himself. 

People were trying to chat with him and he barely even noticed. He slumped to the lobby and found Charlie waiting for him.

"What's up with you?" Charlie asked "You looked on top of the world earlier and now... well you kind of look like you just ran a marathon"

"I'm so tired" Nick whined putting his head on Charlie's shoulder "Between my family last night, being nervous yesterday, and YOU I haven't gotten very much sleep and I'm suddenly exhausted."

"Me?!" Charlie laughed "How is this my fault?!"

"I couldn't stop thinking about you! It was hard to sleep!"


"Shut up" Nick laughed pulled Charlie into a hug.

"Sounds like you need to get to bed Nicholas" Charlie steered him towards the doors.

"Will you walk me home?"

"You're basically a walking hazard so I guess it's my duty as a good citizen."

"Not your duty as my boyfriend?"

"Alright that too."

They got a cab and soon were pulling up at Nick's flat. Nick had dozed on Charlie's shoulder during the drive and was grumpy to be woken up. They went inside and Nick sleepily greeted Nellie and fed her.

"Do you... want me to go now?" Charlie asked, looking up at Nick through his dark lashes. 

Even as tired as he was, Nick was star-struck for a moment by those blue eyes. He was still in his performance clothes that made him look like a sleek black cat, his hands were fidgeting nervously.

Nick took Charlie's face in his hands and kissed him slowly, feeling sparks on his skin when Charlie put his hands on Nick's waist.

"Don't go," He said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" Nick kissed his nose "c'mon I have some pyjamas you can borrow."


Nick did not remember falling asleep, he must have conked out as soon as his head hit the pillow. He forgot for a moment that Charlie had stayed over until he saw the beautiful face on the pillow next to him and his chest flooded with emotion. 

He watched Charlie sleep for a while, memorizing the angle of his jaw, the curve of his lips, the colour of his eyelashes. He didn't know what he had done to deserve this amazing man asleep beside him.

His phone buzzed and he reached for it. His mum was asking how the second concert had gone. He typed a reply and heard Charlie stirring as he hit send.

"Morning sunshine" Nick said, putting his phone down and pulling Charlie into his arms.

Charlie groaned "I was having a nice dream."

"About me?" Nick kissed his ear.

"No you wanker, I think it was about the beach."

"But was I there?"

"Not everything is about you" Charlie teased, lightly running his fingers over Nick's collarbones.

You Are The Music In Me (Heartstopper AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang