The start of worries

Start from the beginning

I tried to call Ume a couple times to make sure she was doing okay but each time and day I called, the operator would tell me that her phone was disconnected, and I would really start worrying. I prayed and hoped that she was okay. I fought the urge to go to the police, but I figured I would just make a fool of myself. So, I continued my days as normal and waited.


three days had passed and still no word..

It was 7:30 PM I was in the kitchen making dinner when I heard the front door open. "Grandma I'm home." Ume said to me, and I looked at her as she walked into the kitchen with a small pastry bag in her hand. "Welcome home, I didn't know you were coming home today. how was your camping trip?" I asked her and she stood there looking confused for a moment. "Hm? Oh! It was Great!! I had such a great time!" She said to me as she smiled and handed me the pastry bag so that I could set it up for dinner. I noticed she had a bruise on her wrist when she handed me the bag.

"What happened to your wrist?" I said to her, and she reacted quickly to cover it."OH! I fell! But I'm fine now! I treated it already!" She said to me as she continued to smile, and I looked at her with a suspicious look. "Why didn't you tell me about the trip? Why did I have to hear it from Kozue's mother and not you directly? Do you not understand how worried I was!" I scolded her a bit because her behavior felt off to me.

"Grandma, I bought the pastry just for you. I want to say sorry for not answering your calls. I know you were probably worried, but I promise I was safe. It was a last minute trip grandma and I thought it would be okay. " She said to me in an apologetic way.

I need her to understand I'm upset with her, so I acted a bit cold. "It's fine, It's in the past. Wash your hands and get ready for din-" I say before she cuts me off. "Grandma, I told a friend I would meet with them tonight. We might get food so... I'm just letting you know I'm heading out again..." she says to me avoiding eye contact.

"Ume Sato!  you just got home!" I raised my voice at her, and she gave me a sad look. "I just want to keep my word... also I'm not a little girl..." she says to me in a low soft tone.

My blood began to boil when she said that to me because it reminded me of when my own daughter said those exact same words. "I'm not a little girl." I took a deep breath, and exhaled... I wasn't going to argue with her because I've played this scene out before and I know the result.

"Ume..." I called her name.

"Yes?" She replied.

"Leave, Get out of my sight." I told her in my low angry tone. "Grandma I-" she tries to talk back. "Now!" I yell.

"Okay..." She says as she leaves the kitchen and I hear her run into her room. I took a seat for a moment so I could calm down, my chest was hurting.

"Well at least she's home" I say to myself softly as I look at a picture that I have of my daughter on the wall.

Ume Pov

After a long day of work, volunteering, and training. I was finally able to go home and rest for a little bit before meeting with Hanayama again later in the night.

Before going home, I went to a pastry shop to buy a little cake for my grandma. She has a sweet tooth but doesn't like to admit it because she thinks it's weird for an elderly person to have such a trait.

I bought the cake because I knew she was going to be upset about me not answering her phone calls while I was staying with Hanayama.

Honestly... she treats me like a fragile little girl. But I'm not, I'm a young adult and she can't seem to accept it. Plus, I think she sees me as my mom...

I know she hates my dad because we got into an argument, about him once. She was saying nasty things about him, and I couldn't let her get away with it, so I spoke up for my dad. After that argument she was a little distant and we didn't talk much until she cooled down. ....


When I got home, she was in the kitchen making dinner for herself. I kind of surprised her when I walked in.

I was expecting her to be happy about me hanging out more than being stuck in my room doing nothing. But she was mad... She was cold towards me most of our conversation and even when I wanted to apologize to her.

To make things worse She even got mad when I told her I was heading out again. I got sad when she told me to get out of her sight... I just wanted her to hug me and say "I'm happy you're back!" But no, "it's why this, why that, don't do this, don't do that."I'm not little...

Anyway, I went straight to my room to change my clothes and put my stuff away before leaving to meet up with Hanayama. I waited for her to leave the kitchen area so I could just walk out the front door.

Once I did leave, I met up with Hanayama at our favorite ramen shop for dinner and some star gazing.


short chapter... I know, I know, but please bear with me.

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