The start of worries

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Grandma Sato Pov

I was at home making dinner for Ume and me when I got a call from Mrs. Kinuyo Matsumoto (Kozue's mom). She told me that the girls were going to do a last minute camping trip and that I shouldn't stay up worrying about Ume's whereabouts. I asked her if it was only the girls going alone but she said they were with other friends.

When we finished talking, I thought to myself "Last minute? Unknown Friends?" Ume would have told me of such an event earlier, she always tells me of things she plans to do. But, then again Ume has been acting different lately. She's been going out more, she stays out late, she's changed her hospital shift, I've even noticed her body has changed, she used to be a bit less chunky in my opinion.

I know I shouldn't be angry that she is out there living her life. It's just that she's changed so much ever since she moved here with me.

I'm protective of her because I'm just worried that she's going to hang out with the wrong crowd or get the attention of the wrong people and get hurt.... Again.

I guess when I look at Ume, I see my daughter. Her smile lights up any room she walks in, her kindness and nurturing energy she gives to anyone or anything, just like her mother... my daughter Hinata.

I wish I could say I knew more of my grandson .. Rey... but I don't. All I remember is that he was such a sweet boy to everyone. He was also much calmer and more serious than Ume. I like to think he got his calm and serious traits from his grandfather my husband. The last I heard about him was years ago through one of his aunts on his father's side. She told me he did something bad and was wanted by the law... after that I never got word about him.

I hate to admit it, but Sometimes I do wake up in the middle of the night and still weep a bit thinking about what could have been, had my daughter never met the father of my grandchildren.

Maybe she would still be here with me... first I lost my husband to an illness, then I lost my daughter to an accident. Just my luck I guess...

However, I'll never forget when my life changed.

When my daughter met Diego Santana. The father of my grandkids Ume (Flor) and Rey. My daughter Hinata met him when she went to travel abroad to North America for a college project/internship.

I remember the countless phone calls of her telling me about her experience and the culture shock.

Those phone calls were what kept me at ease and happy to know she was safe and having a great time exploring the world.

She was abroad for 6 months, almost close to coming home when she called me in the middle of the night, telling me she was pregnant and married.

She told me her husband's name, she told me his occupation of being a boxer/MMA fighter, and lastly, she told me about the twins she was expecting.

I had mixed emotions throughout the entire phone call. But I kept an open mind because she begged me to, and because I was so happy thinking about my grandkids.

She eventually did come home in the summer and brought home the man that she married... That man, He was reckless and irresponsible...

I could go on and on about it, but it wouldn't change anything or bring my daughter or him back. It's in the past now and I must focus on Ume (Flor) and hold hope for Rey. ....

Anyway, Eventually I realized Mrs. Matsumoto never mentioned when the girls were going to come back from the trip, so I waited for Ume to come home.

I would check her room to see if she had snuck in when I was asleep but that was never the case. Since I didn't know when to Except Ume back, I would call her.

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