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Ume's Pov

It's been 3 days since I last talked with Baki, and I was slowly beginning to think that he wasn't going to help me. However, one early morning I got a text from an unknown number, and it read

- Hey Ume. It's Baki, I just wanted to let you know to meet me at Shin Shinkai Karate dojo in the evening. also, this isn't my phone so don't text this number :)

I couldn't help but laugh at the text message, Baki is silly. But anyway, I had a quick little victory dance in my room after reading the text message. I really want to get better at my self-defense because I'm not some damsel in distress, I can handle things on my own. I also don't want Hanayama to think I'm Dead weight or something. Baki is the best, I just hope he didn't mention anything to Kozue, or rather if he did, I hope that they didn't get into an argument or something.

I know my best friend too well.

Anyway, Today was Friday and I only had to work in my grandmothers cafe in the morning meaning that I had the rest of the day off and I was definitely excited to start some training. While working at the cafe I noticed a well-dressed gentleman pretending to read his newspaper and glancing over at me every few minutes. It kind of made me feel uneasy but I shook the feeling away as I walked over to his table with a serving kettle to pour him more coffee in his cup. "Excuse me, would you like a refill on your coffee sir?" I said to him being polite and smiling at him. He dropped his newspaper and looked up at me making eye contact for a moment. "I... I oh - eerm yes, thank you" he said to me as he kind of got embarrassed about his stuttering and blushed a little. I simply giggled softly at his reaction as I began to fill his cup with warm coffee.

I noticed he had a pin on his suit jacket that resembles a pin that Hanayama wears sometimes. I didn't want to ask questions, so I just did my job "there you go, have a great morning sir." I said to him with a smile as I excused myself away from his table and made my way to the back kitchen of the restaurant, still thinking about the pin. The more I thought about the dumb pin the more I realized that I haven't heard from Hanayama in a couple days now. I also didn't realize I was overthinking too much until my grandmother tapped me on my back. "Ume!" she says getting my attention, I quickly look at her and see her holding some money in her hand. "Rukia said that the gentleman you were serving earlier has already left but he left this large amount of money and told her, he wanted you to have this money. why?" she said to me in a suspicious tone, I looked at her confused and placed the coffee kettle down. "I don't know? A tip maybe? but grandmother you said there is no tipping in Japan?" I said to her as she placed the money in my hands and completely ignored my questions. "Take the money, it's yours, however, I don't want you working in the front of the restaurant for a while. do you understand?" she said to me in her strict tone, as she walks behind me and starts untying my server apron. "Yes, ma'am." I said to her as she took my apron, and I stood in the middle of the kitchen a bit embarrassed as all the workers watched me get scolded for no reason. My grandmother isn't mean or bad towards me, she's just always been strict and serious. But anyway, I walked to the backroom to place the money I was given in the large safe in my grandmother's office.

Once I clocked out for the day, I made my way home and started to get ready for the evening.

It was around 6pm when I left the house to meet up with Baki at this place called Shin Shinkai Karate dojo. I was nervous because Baki mentioned to me that I might have to convince the teachers to teach me, but I tried to shake the nervousness away. Once I arrived at the location, I saw Baki waiting at the entrance.

"Baki!" I said and he looked over at me with a small smile. "You made it, thought you were going to back out." he said trying to tease me and I simply laughed at his comment. We both walked up to the front door, but before we entered Baki looked at me and asked "ready?" I nodded my head and we both entered the building.

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