The Odd Request

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!!! Warning !!!!!This Chapter Contains NSFW +18 !!!!

Baki Pov

I woke up early before the sun rose and went out to jog at the public park, to warm up my body for a killer workout I was going to do today. It's funny because As I was jogging, I saw another person jogging in the opposite direction and noticed that it was my girlfriend's best friend Ume. At first, she didn't notice me because she was looking down and had her headphones on, but when she took a quick glance up, she saw me and waved at me. We both came up close to each other and just jogged in place as we had a quick conversation.

"Good morning." She said to me

"Good morning, thought I was the only one jogging this early in the morning." I said to her

She shook her head and smiled "nah, don't be selfish Baki share this beautiful morning." she teased.

I laughed a bit and was about to continue jogging when I heard her call my name. "Baki!" I turned to look at her with a confused face.

"Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if maybe you knew someone that could teach me martial arts or any type of fighting style? Since I know you probably don't teach yourself." She said to me as she stopped jogging in place. "That's an odd request but I think I might know some people. Why? Fighting doesn't look like your thing." I questioned her because I was curious as to why she would ask me such a question. 

No reason, I want to learn good self-defense. Please I wouldn't ask anyone else but you." She said to me with a cheerful like tone that she always uses. I continued to jog in place and thought about how her reason was reasonable. "I know some people, but we might have to convince them you're serious about Learning. I'll have Kozue text you the address of a place I have in mind-." I said to her before she cut me off and I looked at her confused. "Maybe let's not tell Kozue.... She's your girlfriend so you know how she is. She's used to you fighting and doing all these cool things, but she thinks I'm frail or something." She said to me as she played with her headphones that were around her neck. She kind of made me chuckle because to me she is fragile but if she wants to learn then I can't really stop her, and neither should my girlfriend. However, Kozue is very protective of her, and I don't really know why. "Don't worry about her, I'll talk with her, and she'll send you the info, sound good?" I said to her, and she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up before turning around and continuing with her jog, I did the same.

After working out for almost the whole day. My girlfriend came over to my apartment around 8pm. Kozue was in the kitchen area making some food for the both of us. I had just gotten out of the shower, so I pulled some boxers on and hung my towel around my neck, then made my way over to Kozue's direction. "Hey, how was your day?" She said to me without making eye contact as she focused on the food she was cooking. "It was good, how about yours?" I asked her and she said that she had a good day as well. "So, I saw Ume today, and she asked me to do her a favor." I said to Kozue as I noticed her stop what she is doing for a moment and looks over at me with a confused look. "What kind of favor?" She says to me in a suspicious tone. I walk up behind Kozue and wrap my arms around her waist slowly and gently. " Well, she wants to learn to fight so she can defend herself." I said to her as I hugged her from behind. Kozue sighs and shakes her head "no" as she tries to pull away from me. "NO! Absolutely not! Baki no! she's going to get hurt, I bet this is all Hanayama's fault! Is he hurting her or something?!" She says as she starts raising her voice.

I didn't think she would react this way, but I also knew she wasn't going to like the idea.

Kozue kept moving around and yelling at me, so I tightened my grip on her for a bit and placed one of my hands on her mouth to shush her up for a moment.

"Kozue, she's not a child and you aren't her mother. Plus, what's wrong with her wanting to learn some self-defense? Hanayama wouldn't hurt her if he likes her." I said to her before moving my hand away from her mouth.

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