Meeting a true family

Start from the beginning

After hearing Izuku's reluctance to return to his family, Marco conceded to taking Izuku. "Alright. we'll take him back to Pops but I doubt he'll let the pipsqueak join the crew."

Izuku started to calm down. "Hey, kid." Izuku turned and saw that it was Marco. "Why exactly do you not want to go home?"

"W-Well I'm Quirkless, so I don't have a special power like the rest of my family. My mom and dad stopped paying attention to me once my sister got her quirk. But the worst part was that my sister and the people I had called friends started to bully and beat me because I still wanted to be a hero."

Hearing that such a kind boy was abused for such a stupid reason filled the pirates with rage. "I promise kid, you won't have to go back." Teach was reminded of when his parents abandoned him. " We'll take you to our Pops; he'll know what to do."

Izuku was shocked that the people around him didn't turn on him when they found out he was quirkless. He had started to cry out of joy that they

hadn't thrown him out like his family members had before something occurred to him.

"W-wait," he said "who's this 'pops' you keep mentioning?" "Well, Izuku have you ever heard of Whitebeard?" Marco asked.

"Um yes, I read about him. He is one of the Yonko and has the highest bounty of any man currently alive. He has a massive territory in the grand line. Oh and he treats all of his crew like-" Izuku stopped as realization flashed in his eyes. " He treats them like his sons."

Izuku looked at Teach.

"You're pirates aren't you?" Izuku asked, a bit scared.

"Yea, we are," Teach said looking at Izuku. "But we don't like to hurt people like the media says we just want to keep our family safe from those damn marines."

Izuku looked at Teach in shock. He had expected pirates to be just like villains but he was wrong.

After a day or two of sailing in the grand line they arrived on an island that Marco called "Pop's hometown." Eventually, they made their way to an absurdly large ship and Izuku started to feel nervous. Teach saw the nervous look on Izuku's face and decided to comfort the kid.

"Oi kid," Izuku looked at Teach. " Don't worry about meeting pops. He looks a bit scary but he's one of the kindest people in the world."

Izuku felt a bit better after hearing Teach's words as he, Marco, and Teach made their way to the massive deck of the ship. As Izuku walked with his saviors he began to notice that more and more pirates started to appear although much to Izuku's shock whenever he made eye contact with a pirate they simply smiled and waved toward him.

After a few minutes of walking on deck, they reached the back of the ship and came face to face with an absolutely massive man. Teach had been the tallest man that Izuku had ever seen... until that moment. While Teach was extremely tall compared to the people outside the grand line but whitebeard was ridiculous! He was easily twice the size of Teach! Izuku once again became nervous when the mountain of a man looked down at him.

"Marco, Teach, why have you brought a child onto our ship?" The man's voice was deep and gravely but somehow sounded soft.

"We found him in the calm belt pops," Marco said. "Teach wanted to bring him to you"

The massive man looked down at his other son and the child hidden behind his legs.

"Teach why would you bring a child that doesn't look over thirteen to the grand line?" Whitebeard asked, confusion evident in his voice.

Teach looked a little embarrassed before stating that after he had heard Izuku's story he was reminded of himself. " I was thinking that maybe he could join the crew." Then he finally finished.

After Teach said that nearly the entire crew looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you crazy!"

"He's a kid!!"

"Teach has the devil fruit I gave you turned your brain into darkness!?"

That last comment came from a man in a white suit with red hair that pointed toward the sky. While Teach was getting chewed out by the crew, Izuku gathered his courage and approached white beard.

"M-m-mister Whitebeard s-sir?" The large man looked down and saw Izuku. "Yes?"

"I-I a-actually-" he sputtered a bit but decided that it was now or never and blurted out. "I Want To Join Your Family!"

This outburst caused the entire crew to stop yelling at Teach and turned towards the kid and to their shock saw white beard's eyes had widened at the green-haired boy's outburst.

Seeing that the captain was in shock, Izuku continued. "Please. I'm not welcome back home in Japan because I'm quirkless. My family abandoned and abused me. I have nothing left!" He pleaded, tearing up.

" I had heard that the grand line was a place where quirks don't matter and even quirkless people could become strong and make a difference." Izuku grabbed onto whitebeard's pant leg.

"Please I have nowhere else to go!"

For a moment not a single member of the crew made a sound until.

"Gurararara!" To the crew's and Izuku's surprise whitebeard had begun laughing a deep laugh. After about a minute he calmed down and looked at Izuku.

"Teach." The captain addressed his son. " he really is just like you" he said, memories of how Teach had joined his crew flooded back.

He looked back to Izuku. " Sorry kid but you're far too young to be one of my sons." This news almost broke Izuku looking down.


Izuku's head snapped back up.

" I'd say you're just the right age to be my grandson," he said, sporting a kind smile on his face. " Teach!" He called out to his son.

"Yea, pops?"

"You brought him here so he's your responsibility now." Izuku was overjoyed as the crew started to congratulate him on joining.

" Welcome the family kid. I'm your new uncle Thatch! What do you call yourself?" the man in the white suit asked as he wrapped his arm around Izuku's shoulder.

Izuku was about to answer before being interrupted by Teach. " His name is Izuku, Marshal D. Izuku,"

Izuku looked shocked at his declaration before he started tearing up and ran towards Teach before throwing himself towards Teach in a hug. "Thank you so much, Mr Teach!"

"Hey hey, Pops said that you're my responsibility now so you can just call me Pops now ok."

Izuku after so many years of being looked down on and abused had finally found a family.

"Thank you pops!"

Marshal D. Izuku the yonko heroWhere stories live. Discover now