"Did you call the police?"

"Okay I'll be there.."

Basant cuts the line. Sumedh's look at him with curiosity.

"Mallika..she is being dragged away by some unknown people"


"Rayan you think we came to the right location?" Harrsh says as he whispers to Ray.

"Yep. The last time i checked the trace ended here."

"What if they just switched off their phone here nd went somewhere else.."

"Can be..but we can't leave this place too"

"But - "

"Be quite..."

Both of them went inside and checks the rooms.

Almost every room was locked or empty.

But one among them in the corner was still left to check. Harrsh and Rayan tip toe there and were surprised to see a girl laying on the floor.

They rushes to her when it happened.

Out of the blue two men appears who attacked them. Rayan luckily was fast enough to defend himself. But Harrsh fells down.

Still he manges to get up quickly.

They keep on fighting and almost took them down when out of no where they were hit from the back resulted everything going black.


Harrsh groans as he wakes up. He was still dizzy and his head was feeling heavy. He looks around, at first it was blurry but when things were getting better he saw four men around him and he was tied with a chair in a small room.

"Where are the others?" He thought to himself.

He knows that asking them is useless. They won't answer him. So he sit down quietly and waited.


Rayan is  trying to get rid of the rope with which he is tied to the chair. He asked the gaurds in his room where he is or where are others but no one responded him.

He was doing so, when he heard the door opening.


Aliester walked inside slowly and took a seat in front of Rayan.

"Good to see - "

"WHERE ARE OTHERS?" Rayan shouts.

Aliester sighs.

"They are safe and - "

"Yeah, right. Safe with you.." Rayan mocks.

Aliester remains quite.

"Where is he?" Aliester asks Rayan.

Rayan looks confuse, " He?"

"Don't act smart..you know who I'm talking about. The one who is brought to arrest me and with whom you are doing a partnership" Aliester explains.

Rayan kept quiet.

"What you not gonna say?"


Aliester gets up.

"If you don't then I'll have my other way to get it" he turns towards the door.

"No wait. What are you gonna do? Listen to me." Rayan shouts but in vain, Aliester already went out.


"Sir, why are we keeping them to catch that man?" One the gaurd ask.

"Cause i have news that the guy has some connections with them, and i need to know it" Aliester said.

"Will he come?"

"He will."


"Sir it is almost mid night and no one has come to get them." The assistant said.

Aliester kept quite.

"Could it be that we got the wrong news?"

Aliester looks up.

"I don't know. He should have come here by now. But nothing happened no one came ... why?" Aliester said.

"Should we torture them so if he comes?"

"No no.." Aliester thought for a while, " if he had to come he would have come long ago."


"Wait till the morning. If he doesn't come by that time..then throw them somewhere else." Aliester sits back in his thought.


Happy New Year..🤍

Why do you think no one came yet to help them?

Do you find it suspicious or is it just a normal thing?

Lemme know in the comment section.

P.s : sorry for the mistakes.

Hope to see you soon,

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