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The day finally arrive. Kartein already gave Y/n the key, some money incase the one Kayden gave him isn't enough, the information about whose territory the house was in the location, which is Shinhwa. Kartein still hesitate about enrolling the teenage boy into a school. He ask Y/n to give him a couple of time to think about it.

And now, the h/c haired boy are standing at Seoul International Airport. With three large suitcase in his trolly. Y/n already called an Uber and now were waiting for them to arrive.

After a few minutes, Y/n finally see the car that match the details from his phone. He loaded the car trunk with his bag and show the driver the location he wanted to go.

The location takes about 20 minutes to arrive from the airport and when they did, the driver stop infront a two-story house as Y/n takes out his bag. He pays the driver, said a quick ' Thank you ' and watch the car drove away.

Yes, said. Y/n can say anything without using his power but he thinks it's a lot of effort and he would rather sign a whole paragraph rather that say it out loud. And also because he afraid that he accidentally use his power when saying a words that seem like a command. Example; Die. Yes, he would tell people that annoy him to die. Or he would say it jokingly if his friends tease him. ( Not that he had one. )

Y/n unlock the door and went inside. The house look clean and tidy. A lot of furniture already in there. He checked the fridge and it was empty.

' Guess only food is missing. Welp. Groceries time.' Y/n went back outside and decided to just walk to nearest grocery store. He saw one on the way here and hopefully he could still remember the way.

Luckily, he did remember. Y/n only bought some ingredients for tonight dinner and tomorrow breakfast. On his way back, Y/n walk past an alleyway and was humming to a song. When he turn his head to look around the alleyway, he saw four people, and all of them froze when they saw Y/n, so do Y/n.

Two was on the ground, one was floating and the other one was naked. Y/n quickly did a 90 degree bow, followed with a " sorry " before broke into a full sprint towards his house. In his head, he was chanting " what the fuck " repeatedly until he reach his home.

Y/n stop for a second infront the door to catch his breath. When his breath getting steady, he unlock the door and went inside.

First thing first, he put down the stuff first before went upstairs and take a shower. Then, he went back downstairs to grab his forgotten suitcase and went back upstairs. After bringing all the suitcase up, he went to the kitchen and start cooking dinner. It was just a simple black bean noodles with some veggies as side dish.

After Y/n done with dinner, he went upstairs and sleep.

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