My hand grabbed his excitedly, walking us over and sitting down on the blanket. Though there was enough room for us to sit across from one another, I chose to sit right next to him with my arm entwined with his and my head on his shoulder.

His cheek leaned against my head, "Did I do good?"

"Perfect." I breathed out with a smile.

I could feel his smile too as his fingers brushed up and down my arm. No matter if the roses were nearly dead, the basket was torn to shreds or the blanket had blotches, I'd still love it.


The sun had started to go down. The basket was left with a few fruits now after we had ate. Me and Stefan sat across from each other on the blanket with teasing faces at each other.

"Film or books?" He inquired. We had been playing at this game for the past few minutes. I found it fun getting to learn the smallest things about each other.

"Definitely books." I answered a moment too fast. Stefan looked surprised. He for one could not sit down for five minutes let alone read an entire book.

He tilted his head, "Really? Why?"

"Books can portray better emotion than any phony actor could." He shrugged his shoulders, agreeing with that statement. "Dancing or writing?"

"Writing." He replied swiftly. If anyone in this world got ahold of his journals he'd might just go mad.

My mouth opened in shock. Dancing was one of my absolute favorite things to do. That's one of the reasons I was so excited when I was going to ask Stefan to the ball.

"Dance with me." My words came out in a demanding tone, still jealous about not being able to dance with him that night.

Stefan let out a laugh, "So I take it that's not a question."

"Nope." I stood on my feet and reached my hand out to him. He grabbed it carefully, standing up and walking us so we were standing on some pavement.

He took the hand of mine he first grabbed and threw it over his shoulder, his other hand landing on my waist. Both of my arms wrapped around his shoulders with my chin resting on my arm. Our hips swayed to nonexistent music, the two of us just enjoying the moment.

We dance for a few moments in the same position. I could tell he was getting antsy, waiting for something, anything to happen.

He's waited with me. He's took his time which we've both appreciated but I think we both know this tension can't last forever.

My chin lifted from my arms as I lied my forehead against his. His tongue drug against his bottom lip in anticipation. Though my eyes were closed I could feel his were not.

My lashes finally parted as brown met green. Our faces were so so close my breath hitched in surprise.

His lips started leaning for mine but I stopped him, brushing my finger against his bottom lip.

"Not here." My eyes darted from his lips back to his eyes as I smiled hastily.

I grabbed his hand and we walked back inside. I don't want our first kiss to be in the middle of the outdoors I want it to be somewhere comfortable, making sure no one can interrupt us.

Our feet lightly patted up the stairs towards my room. He trailed behind me as I opened my door, closing it after he walked in.

I turned around so we were face to face. His eyes scanned my face with lust. I know what he wants and I'm just letting him walk right through my door.

His feet slowly, so very slowly walked up to me, giving me time to get me just as anticipated as he was.

That was until a gunshot rung through our ears. My hand quickly covered mine as pain throbbed through my head.

His first instinct was to protect me so his arms wrapped around me protectively.

I've never heard a gunshot so close.

After a few moments I recovered, immediately hearing a mob of footsteps run up the stairs. I escaped Stefan's arms, running out the door.

And suddenly I was a fifteen year old girl in Bulgaria.

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you thought

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you thought.

also two more chapters till act 2

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now