**Chap 2**

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I stuck my hand in my bag as I heard my phone ring.


"Help! Oh god! He's chasing me! Help please!"

"Umm... Who is this, what's wrong?" I took a deep breath.

"It's-It's- no you just have to help me! I can't remember anything!"

Then it hit me.


A high pitched scream and the phone call ended.

I kept trying I call her. Over and over again, and as my panicky voice squeaked every time I asked for her. She just wasn't there. The students filled their classrooms and I temporarily stopped trying. As the hall became silent and the sudden thought of skipping class crossed my mind. I sprinted down the hallway. The thoughts in my mind included; why did she call me? Rebecca or Sarah, they weren't called. Were they? She must of called any number possible. She had said there was a man chasing her and that she couldn't remember. I clicked my phone on and texted Sarah. "Emergency! Skip Class you and Becca!"

But she unusually didn't respond. I pulled my hands through my short blonde hair. Then Sarah answered, her voice echoed through the locker filled hallway.

"Thank God!"

"What is so improt-"

"Kareena is. She's in big trouble-"

Sarah cut you off looking at Rebecca coming down the hall.

"You were wrong."

"About-?" She stopped.

"Oh." Rebecca said.

"Let's go!" I whispered sprinting down the hallway. I heard the voice of our mean principal getting clearer so I dove behind the trash can, Sarah hiding in a locker next to me and Rebecca lying in the Janitors Closet. We knew we would get it if he saw any one of us.

"Well- Get somebody up there!" Principal Rackman said. I pressed my ear against the trash can to try and hear better.

"What do you mean?" A slightly feminine voice asked.

"Well-" Principal Rackman sounded like he was trying to persuade somebody. All three of us knew that when he did that, he really meant it, and he really wanted somebody to discover something.

"I feel," The principal continued, "That maybe these mountains hold some dangerous things. You never know. I mean, I can barely remember them and I have been in this town since I was a kid. I feel like they just showed up."

"I guess that may be true-"

"Excuse me?'

"But you can't tell me to get somebody up there because the last time I tried that, he came back traumatized."

"Students are missing, Veronica."

Veronica, the female, took in a sharp breath.

"Then they would know better then to even go near those mountains."

The principal came closer to the trash can, and I huddled against the wall further.

He threw something inside of it and didn't look at me.

"Some of them don't even understand whats going on. Bats? Wolves? Tigers? Lions? Squirrels!? What's next. I feel like I'm in a movie." The principal and walked further down the hall.

I knocked lightly on the door of the janitors closet and then on the locker Sarah was hiding in.

"Did you hear all of that?"

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