**Chap 1**

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"You'll be okay."



I pushed him against the wall.

"If you fucking say another word I will kill you." I sent my best death glare and then walked off, holding my bag as tightly as I could.

My name is Amanda. I was born near Chicago. My friends and I have known each other since 5th grade or even kindergarten. We all go to a special highschool, by our original school now. I'm 16 now. Some of my friends are 17.

That over there, was Lawrence.

And if you knew him like I did, you would definitely get fed up with is crap. I lowered my head as I skipped the room he went in and sat down in the far end of the classroom I was supposed to be in. As the teacher entered, I dug my hands into my bag and searched for something to occupy myself with.

My hands reached my phone. I gripped my fingers around it and snuck it up past my lap, and under the desk. I slowly brought my bag in front of me to cover the view of me texting. As the teacher began to talk, I started to text. My first text, was to Sarah. She was in Math, and I was in History. Luckily, I wasn't alone and she responded with a greeting. Before I could text back, I moved my hands to my bag, and grabbed a notebook. I looked up and noticed the teacher glancing over at me a few times. I took a deep breath and pretended to sketch on the paper, but it just made me look worse. I eventually was called out.

"Amanda Swedroski. Enough, fooling around. Take notes, or you will regret it." I rolled my eyes with my head down. This teacher was cray cray.


"I'm trying!" I screamed. She looked thrown back, she pointed out the hall.

"Leave class. Don't come back until tomorrow."

I took a deep breath, and gathered up my things silently. I walked out with an evil look on my face, but I avoided any eye contact. As I left, I expected the nasty teacher to come after me, though she didn't, so I turned around walked out. I decided to wait for next class by my locker, so I retrieved my books and leaned against the metal door. I heard light echoing through the halls, but I ignored it trying my best to play a wifi-needed game without a good signal. The noise was heard again, louder this time. It sounded like something soft but heavy dropping. I got up, leaving my bag where it was. I started walking slowly to where I heard the noise. It got louder and scarier as time passed, and my feet shuffled across the floor. The the bell rang, so loud, I jumped and almost fell to the ground with a heart attack. Students poured out of classrooms, as I ran through the crowds and back to my bag and phone.

"Amanda?" Sarah and Rebecca stood there with questionable looks on their face.

"You were kicked of class, weren't you? You didn't text me back?" Sarah teased me by waving her phone in front of my face.

"Hahaha, so funny." I mocked, her, I went to walk around her, but Becca stopped me. Her voice dropped low, into a whisper.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" I started walking, very slowly so they could keep up once they stopped at their lockers.

"The news.." Sarah said in a, "duh..." tone.

"No." I answered stubbornly.

"There have been these bat attacks, and wolf attacks in the mountains." She seemed to look like she was about to cry, or laugh.

I giggled.

"Yeah okay, stop messing with me."

Rebecca, moved in front of me.

"We're not kidding."

"Okay!" I said in a "whatever you say" tone. I walked past them, and then stopped.

"Hey where's Kareena?"

"Sick." Sarah shrugged, like she doubted it was true. I smirked, Kareena had to of faked it. I had just recently contacted the girl and she was healthier then ever.

"She's not faking it.." Rebecca grumbled angrily, then walked past me with such force that I almost fell... again.

"Okay! I'm sorry! I didn't mean-"

"Okay..." Sarah said sadly, then the two friends disappeared side by side, down the hall, and around the corner.

Tick tock.. tick tock. I watched the clock as the period was almost over and then it was lunch time. I was supposed to meet Allison, Savannah, and Angela by the cafeteria.

The clock seemed to stop moving, as my eyes flickered back to the Math teacher. He pushed the glasses up the bridge of his narrow nose and cleared his throat. His name was Mr. Martinez, and he wasn't even Mexican. He rubbed his bald head, and stared blankly for a couple seconds. A few students in front of me, exchanged looks but he gave an angry look. I jumped when his voice bellowed,

"No looks!" He seemed angry, but also depressed. I gave him a sympathetic look even though he couldn't see it. He went back for showing us the Pythagorean Theorem. The the bell rang. I jumped up so quick I'm surprised I didn't trip. I sighed and walked out. I stuck my hand in my bag as I heard my phone ring.
"Help! Oh god! He's chasing me! Help please!"
"Umm... Who is this, what's wrong?" I took a deep breath.
"It's-It's- no you just have to help me! I can't remember anything!"
Then it hit me.
A high pitched scream and the phone call ended.

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