richarlison: pregnancy scare /

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"You think you might be pregnant?" I asked with a worried tone as I was on call with my friend who has just now taken a pregnancy test and was waiting for the results. "Don't you and (blank) use protection"

"Well obviously. My period tracker told me I was already a week late" she said rolling her eyes and I could see her phone shaking in her grasp. "Wait, aren't we synced? When was the last time you got yours?"

"Uh" I started to think back before realizing. "Oh shit, I haven't gotten it"

My friend laughed nervously before realizing I hadn't been kidding. "Wait really?"

"I'm being dead serious" I said settling the fact that I had been a week late.

"Okay don't panic" she said trying to calm me but my heart was going at a fast pace already. "Go to a CVS and get a test"

"Yeah, okay" I said nodding my head. "You're coming with me"

"negative! Oh thank you so much" she yelled throwing the pregnancy test. I glared at her and she quickly apologized.

I went to a CVS that was in walking distance and quickly purchased a test. My hands were jittery and I felt my legs turn wobbly.

"Still here, don't have a panic attack in front of me" I heard my friend say nervous. I knew she didn't mean it to sound the way it sounded but now that I was on that end, I had no right to judge her for panicking because I was in full panic mode.

I took the test leaving the empty box on the kitchen island and hide it as far away from me as possible not wanting it near me. My friend was still on call who seemed to be just as panicked as me but was the one to hide it to make me feel better. It didn't work.

My alarm went off reminding me of the test and I could feel my heart pause before going at a faster pace at the same time I heard a car pull up in the drive way and could already tell it was richarlison.

"I think he's home" I whispered trying to find the pregnancy test, as I located it before turning it I heard him yell my name.

I left the empty box on the kitchen island.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Be there in a minute!" I called out before picking my phone up. "I'll update you later, love you bye"

"Love you more" was the last thing I heard before I hung up. I carried the test in my hand, still too scared to see.

"What is this?" He asked referring to the box on the island. He spotted the test and stepped closer as I stood frozen trying to depict his features, his emotions in his eyes. "What is it?"

"I don't know" I could feel myself tear up and my voice turned shaky. He stepped closer before pulling me in a hug allowing me to sob into his arms. "I'm scared"

"It's okay princess" he tried soothing me even if he had also been freaking out as much as me. "Here, let me it"

I handed it to him with shaky hands and he grasped my hand with both of his hands before kissing it.

"I promise you. No matter what the results are, I love you and I will stay by your side" he whispered as I sniffled wiping my tears with my sleeve. "You ready?"

"Yeah" I whispered and he slowly turned it. He showed it to me saying 'Not Pregnant' I gasped before putting on a small smile. "Im not sure how to feel"

He nodded before throwing it in the trash. "There, no need to worry about it" he said before pulling me back in a hug kissing my forehead. "Want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah" I nodded and we headed back upstairs with my eyes still red and puffy but I appreciated that he didn't care at the moment.

"Tangled? (your comfort movie... I don't discriminate)" he asked and you nodded profusely making him chuckle as we got into bed layering underneath the covers. We cuddled up with me laying in his chest as he browsed until he found the movie and clicked on it.

We watched movies the entire night until midnight when I could hear his light snores making me chuckle. I turned the TV off and started to play arms drawing random lines onto it.

"What are you doing?" I heard him ask with his tired voice. I smiled to myself before I started to trail up his arm to his collar bone. "For someone who doesn't want to have a kid you sure act like you do"

I laughed quietly before pulling myself closer to him if even possible now trailing my finger on his neck. My lips hovered over his in a teasing manner before he flipped me over the bed now having my back on the mattress.

He lowered his head slowly and kisses my bottom lip slowly before pulling away and turning back to be beside each other. I turned to him and he turned to me making eye contact before he whispered

"You're not able to get be that easily"

"Are you sure about that?"

wow. I wrote this at a baby shower 🤭 also my friend stumbled upon this so hii!!! (this is def embarrassing)
you're probably disappointed this isn't a + story... oh well
school is coming soon so uploads might slow down :/

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