Chapter One

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Snowstorms were pretty common around our pack lands. Especially during the winter. It wasn't strange to be stuck inside for days at a time during the later months of the year. The Alpha had issued an order for everyone to have food, water, and blankets or heat sources for instances where power had gone out and we were stuck inside.

My house is located further from the pack square. I live four blocks away from the leader's and pack houses. My family lives right next to the pack hospital because my dad is the pack's head doctor. He's been going through so much paperwork over the past few days it's in a plastic box instead of a file. Now that he's finished, it needs to go to the Alpha. So he asked me, the only child still in the house, to run it to Alpha Lucas. It was nearly eleven at night. Snowing so bad that I could barely see. My Jacket provides almost no protection. My arms were trembling so bad I dropped the box a couple of times on the way to the pack house.

I swear if I die of hypothermia, I'm going to haunt my dad. I thought to myself. The Alpha probably isn't awake right now. I turned the corner to see the packhouse. The lights-thank goodness-were still on. I walked up to the front door, and went to type in the code to the keypad. It beeped and the light turned red. At this point, I couldn't feel my fingertips and I frantically tried to type the code in again. This time, the light turned red, the keypad beeped and then the whole thing shut off.

"No. No no nono nonono."I sucked in a deep breath and felt the pressure build up in my chest. Water gathered in my eyes. I was freezing. I didn't want t o walk back home, I was hoping someone would drive me. Besides, the weather only looked like it was getting worse. The door clicked, and swung open. Alpha Lucas yanked me inside.

"Thank, thank you Alpha ." My teeth were chattering. "This is from Dr. Reynolds. He sent it to me."

"Is that everyone now, Lucas?" Beta Ash walked in, small bags under his eyes.

"I believe so, Ash, and one extra. I'll have to bring her to my wing of the packhouse, though, because all of the spare rooms are full, or being cleaned. "

"Alpha, I can go home-"

"Absolutely not!" Nostrils flared, Alpha Lucas turned to me. "That storms only just getting started. It's bad enough out there that even my fur wouldn't be able to keep you warm. You shouldn't have been outside in that at all, Adaline." He took the box of papers away from me. "I've got the only other spare rooms in the packhouse, so you're stuck with me." He marched off, and I followed.

No one really went to the Alpha's floor, it was built for our Alpha and his family. Alpha Lucas had just inherited the position on his twenty fourth birthday six or seven months ago, and he had yet to find his mate, so no one shared the space with him yet.

While we were walking up the stairs, my phone rang. Alpha Lucas held the box of paperwork and my hands were free. I answered it, glancing at the caller ID.

"Hello?" My fathers voice echoed on the other end of the line. "Adaline, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Dad-"

"Why didn't you pick up the phone? I realized the storm was bad and went to start the car but I couldn't find the keys. Then you wouldn't pick up."

"I figured I'd call you back once I'd gotten to the pack house."

"Your mother had the keys in her other, other purse. Do you want me to come get you?"

We had reached the second floor, and Alpha Lucas turned towards me.

"Give me the phone, Adaline." He said.

"Umm, dad? The Alpha wants to talk to you." I handed it over before he responded.

"Dr. Renolds?" Alpha questioned. He walked further into the floor as he talked, so I hurried to catch up. "The storm doesn't seem to be letting up. Don't leave your home, I'm taking care of your daughter here, but I'm locking everyone down for the rest of the week."

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