"We are sitting where the players come out, it's called players experience or whatever." Clary explained showing Blair the ticket seats.

The next few hours went quickly, the pair just sat in their hotel room on their phones. "Do you maybe want food?" Blair asked, getting a slight hum from Clary, in which she assumed that was a yes. "I will go find us something." Blair continued, putting some shoes on and leaving the room.

Blair was looking down at her zip on her hoodie, trying to pull it upwards. As she did so she walked into someone. "I'm so sorry." She said, looking up at the person she was walking into.

"No worries," the guy chuckled, "You okay?" He continued, checking her out.

Blair tried to figure out where the guy was from, it could have been Spain, or Portugal, she couldn't tell. Quickly, she assumed he was there to watch the football match.

"As you clearly speak English, do you know where I can find some food in this maze? I don't want to walk hopelessly, I got lost trying to find my room." She chuckled, hoping he'd be able to help.

"I'm here often, I will be your guide." He said jolting his head as in indication to get walking.

"Here often? You must have a good job." She said, curious to know how much he'd have to earn just to afford staying there often. In response he just laughed, he took her shoulder gently pushing her around a corner.

"What are you here for?" He asked, his stride full of confidence.

"My friend wanted to watch the football, she's a fan and I thought why not." She felt as if she was speaking a little too much, but that was what she did when she was nervous.

The guy pouted his lip slightly and nodded his head, "Football huh, where are you sitting?" He asked.

Blair glanced over to him, admiring his jawline and his figure as he walked. "She's got player experience tickets for Barcelona, right next to where the players walk out of the tunnel." She answered, the guy just smiled at her.

"Here's the food, see you around." He winked, tapping her shoulder as he walked away.

Her eyes followed him as he walked away, watching him walk back down the corridor they'd just walked down.

Blair eventually returned back to the room, getting lost on the way back a few times. "I met the most beautiful guy." She gushed, smiling uncontrollably.

"Did you get his number?"

"Oh my god, I forgot to ask." Blair said in disbelief, pushing her face into a pillow. "Went from the best day ever to the worst." She mumbled.

"Maybe you'll find him again?" Clary said digging into the food Blair had picked up.

"He said he was here often, so maybe if I stay here everyday for the next forever I would see him again? Just one more glance is all I need to be satisfied." Blair whined, Clary rolled her eyes in response.

« «

"Remind me never to go to a football game with you again." Blair said finally being out of the crowds, she found her seat, and sat down.

"Come on, the game hasn't even started yet." Clary said, checking that the seats were the right ones. They could see the benches where the substitute players would sit, as well as being able to see the starting eleven walk out. A row away from the pitch.

"Are we sure these are the right seats? They're amazing." Blair said. She turned around and looked up at all the seats behind them, and somehow they got these ones.

"I won them on some contest thing, but I didn't know until a yesterday. Hence the late notice." Clary replied.

They had a little while until the game started, the players doing some training on the pitch before. Blair had gone to get the pair of them some beer or whatever she could find, as neither one was driving until the day after. Not even driving to the stadium, as luckily the stadium was walking distance from the hotel.

The players had just about started to walk out from the tunnel when Blair got back to her seat.

As the players walked out, all of them facing forward but one. A familiar face, originally he looked to the right, and when he didn't see who he was looking for, he looked to their side. He made eye contact with Blair from afar, and it was obvious he did. When he turned back around to continue walking, he had a chuffed smile on his face.

"Blair!" Clary shouted, breaking Blair out of her moment.

"The cute one, what's his name?" She asked, still not gathering the fact she met a footballer the night before. Not only that, but she took up a substantial amount of his time, just so that she could get some food.

"Do you mean Pablo Gavi? He's the one that was looking this way." Clary was in just about the same amount of shock as Blair was. "Babe, this is taken straight out of a romance book."

"That's the guy that showed me where the food was last night, I'm so embarrassed." Blair complained, digging her face into her hands. "He's pretty though isn't he." She continued as he greeted the opposing teams players with a firm fist bump.

"His friend Pedri is beautiful too." Clary said pointing a few left from Gavi. "The best thing is Gavi is just your age." She continued.

Blair furrowed her brows, taking out her phone and going to google. "Oh wow, playing professional football at such a young age? That's impressive." She replied, shocked how the football world worked. She was more of a motorsports girl, never really getting into the whole football scene.

"Imagine if you did get his number last night, you could have had Pablo Gavi's number on your contact sheet." Clary laughed, getting a side eye from Blair.

"Don't make me regret not asking him, chances I'd get to speak to him again are so small." She whined, "Though he was in my dreams last night though, some bizarre reason."

"He was in your dreams? You can't just stop there, say more!" Clary said, looking at Blair, waiting until she spoke. Blair just winked at Clary, in which Clary figured out what Blair meant and laughed it off. Taking a big gulp of her drink, hoping she wouldn't remember it.

"Guessing you don't want to know more?" Blair laughed. Clary shook her head and continued watching the game. Keeping her attention there for the remainder.

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