Chapter Forty-Three

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"Yeah, it took me a while to see past all the good man trying to get out," Neal said.

"He did get out, and I'm proud of him for it," I smiled.

"Yeah, he did. Irony is, now I need the dark part. In order to get to the ones I care about." I noticed he was holding a silver swan. He was eyeing it carefully.

"What is that? It's beautiful," I said.

"A necklace," he replied. "It was Emma's. It was supposed to represent our life together. I don't know how it survived the trip."

"Because it was born out of true love," I said with a grin plastered on my face. I was such a helpless romantic. "Now, let's continue looking and you should help me this time."

"Where do we start?" asked Neal.

"One shelf at a time," I replied.

I light the candle I found on one of the bookshelf's. It was one I hadn't seen before. "Hello there," I thought I heard someone say.

I looked at Neal. "Did you... did you say something?" I asked.

Neal just shook his head. "Over here," said the same voice. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Neal and I turn around to see the candle was talking.

"What the hell?" Said Neal.

"Well shit," I said. "This is much weirder than the talking Beavers in Narnia."

"No need to be frightened," it said. I bit my lip.

"Are you sure we shouldn't?" I asked.

"Yes, you shouldn't. I am but a humble servant of this castle. My name is Lumiere."


As Hook and I were looking through one of Rumple's bookshelves, I noticed how Hook was handling the books. I rolled my eyes. "What?" he asked.

"Watch the cover on that one," I stated.

"I'm dealing with a hook here," he replied.

I rolled my eyes again. And then my body flinched as I heard banging on the door. I climb down the ladder, and say, "It's him! It's Rumple."

Then to my surprise... it wasn't Rumple who came in to the shop, but Neal.


We ended up brining Neal to the hospital because he didn't look so good. "Neal. You're here. What happened?" Emma asked.

"I... I don't know. I remember seeing the yellow bug cross the town line and the next thing I know, I'm running around a forest back in StoryBrooke, where, apparently has been a whole lot going on."

Hook then looked at Emma. "Are you gonna tell him or shall I?"

"Tell me what?" Neal asked.

"Neal, we think your Dad's back," said Emma.

"Back?" he questioned. "What do you mean he's back?"

"Take it easy," said Emma. Emma then grabs his hand.

I narrowed my eyes and asked, "What the hell is that on your palm?" It was some sort of weird symbol that looked like a scar.

David takes a picture of it.

"No idea. It was there when I woke up," he replied.

Emma then turned to face me. "Liana, can you do more research?"

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