Special Chapter - Film: GOLD (Part 1)

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"Hey Lana! I need your opinion on something!" Nami waved their strategist over from where she and Robin sat at the base of her tangerine groves enjoying an afternoon tea set. As Lana walked up the the upper deck, she could see the two reclining on the only available deck chairs, both in bikini sets and sunhats due to the hot weather. Lana had chosen to forgo the revealing clothing when she was dressing along with the two that morning, but had agreed to the short flowing pastel yellow sundress Nami offered her. 

"She says she would like your opinion, but really she's already made up her mind" Robin mused as she lowered her sunglasses with a giggle, the book she had been reading being placed on the deck table that Sanji had no doubt set up for them. 

"Robin! At least pretend that I'm asking for permission" Nami pouted as she glared at blue-eyed woman, annoyed that she couldn't gently bring Lana on board for what would no doubt be what Lana considered a bad idea

"Let me guess, it has something to do with money?" Lana mused as she approached the two, her tone teasing as she regarded the money hungry women with a raised eyebrow.

"Doesn't it always" Robin mused as several arms stretched out, reaching for Lana and pulling her to fall on Robin. Lana only grunted at the handling, being used to it at that point as she only saw fit to settle in Robin's lap, adjusting her dress to cover herself and letting Robin's arms to circle her waist, both turning to Nami who seemed bursting with excitement as she waved a newspaper about. 

"Anyways! Look," Nami opened the newspaper to show the two women a picture of a grand ship, the bright lights and flashing signs dulled by the black and white picture, though was sufficient to showcase the grandeur the ship offered. "It's the Gran Tesoro! Its a few nautical miles away so it would only take us a few hours to sail there from our current position! Oh Lana, won't you convince Luffy to change our course? We could make so much money, you can trust me! I'll know what to do to win us the big berries" Nami eyes comically widened, her hands clutched together as she begged. Lana tried to resist, her eyes shifting away as she considered what Nami was asking. 

Lana was well aware of the glory and fame of Gran Tesoro, an independent country which gave a guarantee to any who entered that they would be free to gamble and party to their hearts content. It didn't seem a bad deal, especially with Nami's expertise promising them wealth that they were beginning to run short on, however the concerns and 'what ifs' began to plague the strategist. Whilst her gut feeling was telling her 'no', it wasn't enough for her to reject the navigator's idea, not with the puppy-eyes she was adamant on using. 

"Oh alright!" Lana relented, which was met with a loud cheer from Nami and a short giggle from Robin, "But don't get me involved in any of your gambling schemes! I've got rotten luck, I'll only make you lose" Lana looked over Robin's shoulder to spot her brother hiding from Chopper above them, his stretched arms allowing him to hang from the mizenmast. 

"Hey Luffy! Come down, I need to talk to you about something!" Lana called, and with Luffy's curious eyes matching the three women who observed him, he jumped down to see what had the normally passive crewmembers so riled up. It seemed the strategist's call had also garnered the attention of the other crewmates, as they proceeded to pop out of the woodworks to see what was going on. 

"It wasn't an invitation for all of you" Lana sighed at the sight of the Usopp, Chopper, Franky and Brook wandering over, with even Zoro getting up from his nap to lean against the nearby railing in attention. 

"It can't be helped. Then... Sanji! Come join us, crew meeting!" Nami shouted, which was met with clattering from the kitchen as Sanji stepped out from the galley with a tray of refreshments. 

"Yes Nami-sw..." Sanji singing tone abruptly cut off at the sight of Lana and Robin, which brought on a nose-bleed and fainting episode from the blond male. Franky was quick to catch the tray of drinks, but no one bothered to catch the cook as he hit the deck with a cheesy grin, heart-shaped smoke exhaling into the air.  

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