The plane has taken off, and the lights have dimmed since it's a night flight, and people are sleeping, so our voices are hushed.


"I don't know, London's such a grey place all the time, all rain and clouds, I think I just like how pure and fresh the snow looks - at least, before it get's all slushy and dirty."

"All good things come to an end."

"Except for you, hopefully." Says Jamie in a hushed voice.

I can feel myself blushing, so I say nothing, but reach up to turn my reading light off. Jamie glances over at me.

"Are you going to sleep?" In the darkness I can only see the outline of Jamie's head, hair hidden inside a beanie.

I sigh, and close my eyes, it was an eight hour flight, after all. "Yeah."

The rest of the flight to Hong Kong was a blurry pattern of waking up to the thrum of the plane engines and dim lighting, re-positioning, and dozing off again. At one point I felt the weight of Jamie's head against my shoulder, the fabric of the beanie brushing against my neck, as it seemed he too had fallen asleep, but on me. It was like Jamie prison all over again, - this time without the dead arm - and so I only woke him the next time I woke up, we'd almost landed.

Bleary-eyed and disorientated, Jamie and I wove our way through the crowds of people at the Hong Kong Airport. If Perth hadn't been confusing enough, Hong Kong was something different altogether. But, because it was such a popular lay-over spot for long distance travelers, there were plenty of places for Jamie and I to sit and eat. Since we were using one flight company the whole way, we didn't have to worry about our bags, we just had an hour and a half to freshen up and prepare for the huge thirteen hour flight ahead of us.

"Thirteen hours." I muse. "That's an insanely long time to fly in a plane, how did you survive getting to Perth?"

Jamie and I were sat at a small Starbucks. While there was Starbucks in some states, there weren't any in Perth, and I was curious to try a drink. I had ordered a caramel frappuccino, and Jamie had bought a black coffee. Between us, we were sharing a warm muffin.

"Hmm," Jamie looked up thoughtfully, and went to take the first sip of his coffee. "I think I was-OUCH!"

Jamie had taken a sip of his coffee and almost dropped it, now his tongue was out, and he looked betrayed. "I bur-ma-tong."

"You burned your tongue?" I giggled.

Jamie nods sadly. "Now everything is gonna taste weird, I've burnt my tastebuds off."

"I hate the taste of burnt things, perhaps I shouldn't kiss you for a while."

"I don't think that will be necessary."

"Oh but I think it will..." I tease him.

Jamie crossed his arms. "Fine, but I know you can't resist this," he winked at me and clicked his tongue, "you'll be begging for me."

I arch a brow. "Yes Jamie, you're the height of sexiness after just getting off a plane with mussed up hair and a wonky beanie."

Jamie yanks his beanie down lower in defiance. "Meanie."

I laugh, and take a sip of my frappuccino. "Here, why don't you sooth your tongue with some of this." I push it over to him. He takes a sip obediently, swallows, and gags.

"Darling, I drink black coffee, this is way too sweet for me."

This time it's me crossing my arms. "Well aren't you just a sophisticated hipster."

Learning To Love - Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now