A New Present

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What time is it?

. . .

Oh, it's 5:48. I guess I have time for a little nap . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

WAIT, 5:48!!!!! I'M GONNA BE LATE!!! HURRY!!!!

M/n quickly hurried out of bed and got ready for the day. He swiftly put on his uniform for work and hurried out the door, completely forgetting to eat breakfast. He simply didn't have time. He can live without eating for a while, no big deal.

The streets were crowded with pedestrians. Y/n was strategically dodging and and running past the people the people so he could make it to work. He ran through till he stopped at a crosswalk. The light was red, but there weren't any cars. There were large crowds on both sides of the road waiting for the lights to change.

An old man wearing many shades of gold and a straw hat stepped out from the other side. His bamboo bo staff making small tapping sounds against the street. He kept walking across, but nobody moved. Everything was still and quiet. He stopped. There was no breeze, but his clothing was swaying in the wind. He looked up and locked eyes with M/n, giving him a soft smile. What was this man doing?

He seemed to be glowing, wait. That wasn't his light. M/n looked to the left and noticed a semi-truck driving straight towards the man. M/n panicked. He looked around. Nobody was doing anything. There wasn't anymore time. He had to make a choice. Stay still and watch the man take his last breath, or sacrifice himself to save the life of another.

One second . . .

Two seconds . . .

Then, three seconds . . .

And the golden man was shoved back to the sidewalk. Time seemed to catch up to the world. A loud crash was heard, and M/n's world disappeared.

. . .

. . .

. . .

M/n woke up with a massive headache. He sat up from his position on the ground and clutched his head. After a few minutes, his vision started clearing up. He was not prepared for what he was about to see. First, he was okay, there wasn't an injury or any blood, or he thought. While looking around, he noticed that he wasn't wearing his work uniform anymore but more elegant clothing. The clothing was gold, f/c (favorite color), 2/f/c (second favorite color). What was going on? 

All around him were crystals all the colors of the rainbow. Though there were mainly f/c crystals. This was insane. Was he having some crazy dream, or was this the afterlife? He stood up and took a step, wanting to leave. It was beautiful, but if he was alive he needed to wake up.

He froze, but not on purpose. He couldn't move. Looking down, his eyes widened. F/c crystals were creeping up his legs keeping him in place. They were climbing quickly and had already reached his waist. So there are living crystals that want to eat me alive? Okay then. M/n started to try and break free from these crystals, but they wouldn't break. He looked up at the ceiling as his arms were encased in crystal.

They reached his head and prevented him from seeing anymore. Luckily he closed his eyes before any crystal could grow into his eyes (That's actually pretty unsettling now that I think about it. . .). He soon fell asleep, waiting for a fate that will never come.


Somewhere else, a young man saw a vision through the portal the Hands of Time had used to escape. An image of a small island with a f/c temple entrance was shone. Tapestries were hung on each side of the entrance, the left depicted an image of a dark demon surrounded by bright purple magic and black smoke. The other on the left depicted an image of the white silhouette of a woman. She had her hands outstretched as a silver crystal floated above her hands.

The vision moved on and switched to the interior of the temple without showing the way inside. There was a large variety of colorful and valuable ores and crystals making up the walls of the large room.  The boy could be seen encased in the crystals, it was clear that he had tried to fight his way out. The portal closed, cutting off anymore information they could've gotten.

The young man looked towards his brother. His brother seemed just as shocked. They would have to wait, for this was only an event in the future. But the young man couldn't help but worry about why that boy was there. He would have to be patient. His father wouldn't want him to rush fate. He can wait.

*Author Note*
- Completely open to constructive criticism

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