Chapter 9 Where The Ice Coming from?

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Were back! Screamed James. "Ok, James I need to tell you something." said Jaxx. Ok what is it? Remember the other student that went missing?Yes? Well we found him. "Hi I'm Matt. Ok,wait are you saying that you are asking if he could stay here? Yes? Ok we do have space so he can stay. Yess. Ok now we need to tell you all some exciting news!"What is it?" said Rowan. Well we are going to Texas. "Texas!" said Penny. Yep. "That is so far. Yes I know but Lily tell them. Ok my friend lives there and she is all so a wizard and has a portal so we can get there fast."But why are we going there?" said Ben. Well know one knows that you are guys are from hogwarts there so then you guys can go out and have fun and it will be hot so we can go to the water park. Ok cool. "Wait!" said Jaxx. Our parents they are probably worried about us, maybe we should tell them. "Ok your right" Penny. *James tells all their parents about the situation and said they had to stay with them and their parents agreed*Ok now that that's over everyone pack your clothes. Ok everone ready. Yes said everyone. Here we go, Texas Austin. "We made it! "said Jaxx."Hi" said Lily. "Hi, your here! " Sammy. Ok guys this is Sammy we will be staying here for a few weeks, Sammy do you remember James and Jaxx? Yes I do, and is this Jaxxs's friends? "Yep, this is Rowan, Penny, Ben and Matt. Oh well It is nice to meet you three." nice to meet you to. "said Penny. Now there is one room with two bunk beds and a room with a single bed, I'm guessing the boy's are going on the bunk beds?" Is there a option that I could maybe take that  single bed and put it in the the other room?"said Penny. Sure. Wingodim leviosu.*the bed floats into the room*.There we go. Thank you." Ok so Jaxx I now we are here so we can forget about the vision and the ice but I'm kind of scared. Yeah your right but what are we going to do now? said Jaxx. Wait now that I think of it Matt how did you know that Jaxx had a vision? said Rowan. Oh when you came out of that room that no one goes into I follow you and heard you say about the vision so then at night I saw you jump out the window with brooms. said Matt. Ohhhh. said Ben. Any ways we are only staying here for one week then were going to the water park and it has a hotel but  I don't know how long we are going to stay. "said Ben." So... what do we do now? "said Penny." Well me and James are going to watch the Daily Diagon alley news."said Rowan."Sammy has said she has a the library room so Me and Matt are going there" said Ben. "Penny mabye we can practice our spells, there are probably spell books in the library room."said Jaxx."Ya sure." said Penny
Ok *sigh* Ben can I try this spell on you? Ask Jaxx. Sure what is it? Said Ben. You'll see *sigh*... Silencio! Ben try to talk *Ben trys to talk* I did it, ok now to reverse the spell reversal *Ben still can't talk* oh gosh wait it said that if the spell does not work put magic force to it Penny try something. Ok stupafiy! Said Penny. It didn't work. Let me try. Said Matt. Bibiti bobiti boo.! Matt that's not a spell! Shouted Penny. Ohh AVADA KEDAVR-!!.NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!shouted everyone. Why did you stop me? Said Matt. That is the killing curse why would you use that! Shouted Penny will Ben was frozened because he could have just died. Ok I just realized it will wear off in three.. two... one*Ben speaks*I am never going to let you do a spell on me ever again I'm going back to reading. Said Ben furiously. Sorry. Said Jaxx. "ok guys since it's night time let's play a sleepover game" said Penny excitedly. "Let me guess you have the perfect game" said Jaxx. "Yep two truth and a lie" said Penny. " I'll start, so I love dogs, a building fell on me, and my eye color is blue" said Jaxx. "Oh that's easy" said Matt. "Matt his eyes are brown" said Rowan. Oh... WAIT A BUILDING WHAT!!! "Ok Mabye should go next" said Penny. After the game the group went to bed but Ben couldn't sleep so he went to get a midnight snack so he went into the pantrie and took cheese and crackers but will he was making it he heard a noise from outside. Huh what was that? "said Ben. Ben open the curtain to see and see ice that was starting to form every where and then he sore the person making the ice and it was." Malan Jaxx's sister ! "said Ben in shock. To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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