Chapter 7 The Missing Is Found

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"Good morning"! said Penny. "You look like you had a nice sleep" said Jaxx. Were is everyone? Rowan wanted to sleep in lily, James and Ben went to the shop which leaves us to make breakfast when they come back. Ok what are we making we are making pancakes with syrup and toast and jam. Ok. Oh and James gave a sleepover game and it's like truth or dare,but I'll show everyone to night. Ok. Penny can you get the syrup. Ok, here you go. Thanks. *ring ring ring ring*Penny can you just mix this then put milk with it please I need to take that call. Ok sure. Hello this Jaxx speaking. Hi I'm looking for James potter. Oh is this Garrick? Yes. Oh James said you would be calling so James said that he needs a that vision book the one about visions. Oh ok, tell him I will give it tomorrow ok. Ok. Penny I'm back. Oh ok what is next ok now do you know how to flip pancakes? Yes. Ok then do you want to do this part. Sure. Ok Rowan your finally up. Yeah anyway James said that on the witch and wizard news there is something happening about hogwarts so I'm going to put it on because it might be us. Ok. Is that pancakes! Yes me and Penny is making for when James, Lily and Ben come back. Back from where. The shop. Oh. *Rowan turns on the TV* look. Welcome to witch and wizard news today we have found out that no one not two not three but four hogwarts students are missing please call this number if you find them this is pictures of the students now the Daily Diagon ally news -*Rowan turns of the TV *well now we have to hope that Ben is coming soon. Yea because if someone that saw the news they would think they kidnapped him. Hi were home. I saw the news so we got done shopping very quickly, so is breakfast done? Yes it is. Ok well then let's eat. Rowan since your there can you turn on the TV? Sure, what channel? Put on witch and wizard news. Ok. Now that we are done with Daily Diagon ally news I just received that malan Feder has been spotted some were in london police ar-*Jaxx turns off the TV*"Jaxx where are you going"? Said Penny. I'm going to look for for my sister. Wait! You can't. Look I have not seen my sister since I was four, so seven years ago she went missing, and I haven't seen her since. Look Jaxx I know how you feel my mon went missing I was just like you desperate to look for her but then when I went into London to look for her I all most lost my dad in a crowd then I thought he went missing too but I found him,please don't go and then someone will also take you back to hogwarts. Fine, I'll stay sighs. "Good, I am going to London today so I will look for her". Said James. Ok.

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