Chapter 8 A New Friend

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"Good morning"said Penny."Oh your awake" said Rowan. Were is Jaxx? Penny you have been asking about Jaxx when don't see him all the time why do you like him? No! I just don't want him to run away and look for his sister in London and then he might get lost. Ohhhhh ok. I'm being serious. Ok. Any was he is with Harry because James is at the bank and Lily went to the library to look for more books about visions. And Ben? Oh Ben is also with him. Ok, what are you watching? Witch and wizard news just in case another thing pops up about us. Ok, I'll watch to. Today we have reported that another student went missing they say that he went to look for the other students this is how he looks and hid name is Matt please call this I you find him now it's time for Daily Diagon ally news.*Penny turns the TV off*well should we go look for him? Penny are you crazy! But he's now us so maybe we should. Ok James and Lily should only be coming at night because of the vision book thing so get Ben and Jaxx. Got it,wait what about Harry? Ummm, ask them which one of them will stay with him. Ok. Jaxx Ben. Yea. Ok so another kids went missing and me and Penny thought we should go look for him but one of us has to stay. I'll stay. Ok Jaxx your coming right? Yep, let's go.ok now we have to look for him. found him. Ha ha very funny. No seriously look. Oh you.. did. Let's get him."Matt"!said Jaxx. What aren't you the ones that went missing? Yes. I need your help, can you please help me? Follow us. Ok." Welcome to were we are staying" said Ben. Thanks. Sit down we need to call Penny. *Jaxx goes upstairs* Penny were back. Did you find him? Yes. Ok, I'm coming. "Ok so what do you need help with? I also had visions of ice and a gaint spider and a freezed knight. Really. Yes and then there was a cold-."Door" said Jaxx. Yes. But then I woke up. Same! Well we will have to tell James and Lilly that your staying here too. Looks like we have another friend.

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