For simpler visualization:

Story Arc: Act 1, Episode 1-7 → Story from the Game, Movie, Comic etc.

Filler Arc: Act F1, Episode 10-14 → They usually don't have huge stories to be told and are used for a short side-story or small character adventure/development. Filler Acts have their own numbered entries that don't affect with the main ones. 

Next Story Arc: Act 2, Episode 15-21 → The next major story arc begins.

Filler Episode (In Act): Act 2, Episode F1 → Similar to Filler Arc, but for a single episode and can happen in between Acts or during an Act. Filler Episodes have their own numbered entries that don't affect with the main ones.

Filler Episode (No Act): Act N, Episode 22 → Stated above, but have nothing going on (story-wise); simply an isolated plot.  

The Acts themselves can last for as long as needed. Plus Act titles can be seen in the description.

In addition, any potential 'What If' stories, AU stories or individual stories (stories that could work outside this Universe) will be given a separate books and if they prove popular enough, could happen in the future.

Hopefully everything makes sense and if not, ask me riiiiiiiiiiiiggght HERE! →

Rules #2: What to keep? What to leave?

You may wonder if I'll use one-to-one stories or one-to-one characters from the comics, in this story. And the simple answer is; no.

Some character backstories in/from the comics, games ect. could be used for this, though having more expanded roles upon if need be, while for other times I'll make up my own. Also, keep in mind that this book is using everything that is in the Sonic media and not all of them are the same as one another. So I could easily combine/change them into something different from what inspired that.

Also, despite saying that comics are included in this, some stories are excluded on the prospect of complicating things beyond belief, like some $!#% that Archie done is not being re-done here. Any characters that open up a huge can of Caterkillers are excluded, like all echidnas (excluding Knuckles) or Mammoth Mogul or um... Nate Morgan or The three Ixis wizards that became Naugus- yeah, they aren't characters I wish to explore in this book. That of course, means any story related to those characters are not a thing in this timeline.

Rule #3: Originality in Sonic

OCs will be used, if necessary, for one-off stories and/or may or may not affect the main character's lives in the future. In addition to OCs, original stories that aren't in any media will be done, not all the time as most could easily be adapted from the comics, but if there's a something in that story that I don't think fits with what I'm going with, originality will most likely be used. 

Most of things stated above will hopefully be made-up by me, but if a character or story were made by different artists or fans for their own Sonic stories, then; 

Rule #4: Credit where it's due

If a story or character were a main inspiration for me in the story then of course that credit should be recognized! At the end of each Act or Episode, if there were some story that helped me with writing the Act, then at the end of that Act I will give that credit to that person who wrote it. If a character not belonging to me appeared in that Episode I will give credit that original owner. If a story inspired that Episode or a filler Act I will give credit etc. etc.

Rule #5: Help me if you can

I'm not opposed to any help, whether it's pointing out grammatical errors, giving critiques or proof-reading (IDK how that works) then I'm more than happy to let you do that!

Rule #6: Trivial Questions

After the first story ends, I'm also uploading a Trivia book called "Sonic Genesis Trivia". Which will update alongside the stories in this book and will contain everything included in future chapters, including characters, the story so far and a lot more. Included in them will be Q&A chapters where I'll answer any question to me or potentially other Sonic characters, any questions, be they written in this book or there will be answered in that book, so if you have any questions, hopefully I've answered to them in that book. Unless said question is a small one.

Rule #7: Have fun!

This is a simple one to understand, don't expect some deep, creative or even a good story out of me, for all I know you could hate this story and leave disappointed. But let me tell you something, I have plans for this.

I made the mistake of delving way too deeply into this project and I don't expect for everyone to be positive of this, but I'll try! It may not be perfect or flawless but let's be honest though...

Nothing is.

As something to keep in mind as well, these rules could change as time goes on. Anyways, yeah I rambled long enough. Let's get into the story and I hope you enjoy!

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