Ch. 7: Sports Festival Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Bakugo: (Smiles) You're on!

Aizawa: Are you sure about this, Bakugo?

Bakugo: Yes I am!

Aizawa: Then before we begin the sports matches between you students, we'll have a starting match between Y/N and Bakugo.

Bakugo: Hell yeah! If I can take on all of you, I definitely won't be afraid to take on Y/N! You and me, Y/N! In that ring, let's see who-

(The academy alarm goes off)

Tsuyu: What's going on?

Aizawa: This alarm says we have an intruder among us. I suppose we should do some warm-ups before the sports festival, am I right?

Sero: Hell yeah!

Aizawa: But before we leave, who never got the chance to introduce themselves to Y/N when he first came here?

Y/N: I'll start this off. Some of you already know, but I'm Y/N. I'm a former ranger of Gondor, and I come from a world called Middle-Earth. Since then, I have become a Ringwraith, which is why I wear this. (Shows the ring) I'm here because a villain by the name of 'All For One' had this plan of creating a portal and entering into my world to incite a war between us. I do not wish to allow this. I come here to put a stop to that and that our worlds may be separated if successful.

Aizawa: Thank you for introducing yourself, Y/N.

(The students you never met start to introduce themselves to you)

Koda: It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Koji Koda. I can speak to animals here, thanks to my quirk.

Y/N: Quirk?

Shoto: That's our powers.

Y/N: (Chuckles) All this time, I never bothered to wonder. Not that it was any importance to me. Though I do recall 'Muscular' say his quirk is gone because of what I did to him.

Bakugo: Wait, did you just say you made Muscular's quirk go away!?

Y/N: Yes.

(All the students, including Izuku and Ochako, look at each other and then at you out of fear)

Bakugo: (Looks to Aizawa) Hey, Mr. Aizawa. Is it possible if-

Aizawa: No. You made the decision to fight him, so it's gonna stay that way.

Bakugo: (Terrified and speaking in his mind) Damn!

Shoto: (Laughs) I guess someone regretted challenging Y/N.

(Bakugo gives Shoto a look of annoyance)

Mineta: Hey, Mr. Y/N. Are you going to assist us in fighting this intruder?

Y/N: Of course.

Mineta: Thank you. By the way, I'm Minoru Mineta. What quirk do you have?

Y/N: I don't have a quirk. (Shows Mineta the ring) My power comes from this ring.

Mineta: I see.

(Just then, you hear the intruder barging through the UA lobby)

Y/N: I'll be right back.

(You teleport to the location, and you see the intruder, only to recognize him)

Y/N: Bruz!?

(Bruz looks onto you and is shocked to see you here. He rambles to you once again about not wanting anything to do with the fort. The other students rush down and see the intruder too)

Bakugo: Who is that!?

Tsuyu: Is he from the league of villains?

Y/N: No, Tsuyu. He's not from the League of Villains. He's from my world. He's an Olog captain. His name is Bruz.

MHA × Ringwraith Male Reader: War Between WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now