Chapter 39 - First Day Home

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1226 words

Still sick 😃


I woke up back in the bedroom. There were no lights, and it was dark out. I sat up, looking around. I was completely alone. I got up, god, my head hurt. In my lap was my Monty plushie. . . Monty and DJ.. They were gone.. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me yet again, remembering what happened today. Tears started flowing from my eyes, and I pulled the plushies close to me. This was all I had left of them. That, and the photos I had in my wallet. I grabbed my bag, getting my wallet and looking through the photos. Some were really old, one of them was me in my teenage years, I had my hair dyed green, and we were having a big dance party. It was a selfie of me and Monty in DJ's hand, of course DJs face was also in the frame. I couldn't take this any more. I set the photos and plushies down, getting up. I stumbled down the stairs, the lights were off all over the house. I sat on the couch, looking out the window. Where were Sun and Moon? I stared up at the sky, the stars were really pretty. Maybe I would take Moon outside some night to look at the real stars together. I pulled my legs up to my chest, staring out the window at the sky. I sat there for a long time, when I heard the front door open and shut. I looked over, and a tall, skinny figure in a hoodie stood there with a large box in one arm, and was locking the door with the other. I tensed up, but then the figure turned around and I saw familiar red eyes glowing from under the hood.


That was a mistake, my throat burned like hell, and I coughed. The figure flipped their hood off and sure enough, it was Moon. He had an unreadable expression, he turned towards the door that led to the basement and went down, closing the door behind him. I frowned, going over to the door. I tried the knob, but it was locked. I sighed, getting a glass of water and going back to the couch. I just sat there for a few minutes, staring at the glass of water. I kept thinking about them, Monty and DJ. All the fun times we had, how they basically raised me, teaching me things my parents should have. I clenched my eyes closed, I needed something to distract me. I grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. I switched to a channel with some cartoons on it. I felt my eyes begin to droop, and I layed down on the couch, falling asleep with the TV on.


I woke up, and the TV was off, there was a blanket over me. The lights in the house were all still off, but it was bright because it was now morning. I yawned, stretching, and I sat up. Looking around, there was still no sign of Sun or Moon. I got up and looked on the fridge. There were some basic cooking things. I grabbed some eggs and went over to the stove, grabbing a pan and a spatula. While the eggs were cooking I clumsily climbed up the stairs, and went into my bedroom. Moon was on the bed, still wearing the hoodie, it must cover his light sensors, since it's light enough for Sun to be out. He was sprawled out on the bed, making those small snoring sounds. I grabbed my laptop from my bag, then gave Moon a quick kiss on the forehead before I went downstairs. I set the laptop down on the coffee table, then went to finish cooking the eggs. Once I finished cooking, I sat down at the couch, placing the plate with eggs down, and I picked up my computer. I started searching for job listings. Maybe I'd start with something small and easy, and try something else when I was fully healed. I found a job listing for a cashier at a nearby grocery store. That would work, since I wouldn't need to walk that much. I signed up, now all I had to do was wait for a call. I turned the TV back on, it was still on the cartoons channel, and I started eating my breakfast.

I was washing the dishes when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and something rest on my head.

-"Morning, Sunshine!"

-"Morning, Sunny. Watch your circuits, I don't wanna splash water on you."

-"Oh, we're pretty waterproof, Sunshine, don't worry!"

-"Well in that case.."

I let water run all over my hands, then turned around to face Sun, making a clearly fake sneezing noise and flicking water in his face. He paused for a second, seeming to process what happened, before he also drenched his hands.


He flicked water in my face. I did it back again, and we kept going back and fourth, laughing.

-"Alright, let me finish the dishes."

Sun nodded, wiping his hands on his pants, and I turned back around, continuing the scrub the pan I used to make eggs. Once I finished, Sun scooped me up and sat down on the couch with me. I turned the TV on and layed my head on his chest. The cartoon was the newer Freddy and Friends with all the pizzaplex animatronics. I saw Monty come on screen, and I now remembered everything again. I felt tears start welling in my eyes again. I was never going to see Monty or DJ again. Sun looked over at me, then switched the TV off. He pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair. I started crying.

-"I know it hurts, Sunshine.. But it will be better soon, I promise."

I nodded, but I knew nothing would get better, I had lost two of my best friends, ones who had raised me, that wasn't something I think I could ever get past.

-"I miss them.. So much.."

-"I know, Sunshine.. I know.."

-"I'll never see them again.."

Sun just kept stroking my hair, hugging me.

It was around 12:30, and me and Sun had gone back to watching cartoons, we had found a channel that didn't air the Freddy and Friends show. I heard a knock at the door, so I got up and answered it.

-"Charlie! Good to see you again!"

-"You too, Y/N!"

I invited him inside, and we sat back down on the couch.

-"So uhm.. Y/N.. How have you been holding up with.. Y know, Monty and DJ..?"

Sun was doing an abort motion the entire time Charlie spoke. I looked down, tears starting to fill my eyes again. Sun pulled me into a side hug, stroking my hair.

-"I-its fine.. I just.. Really miss them.. You know how we were.. They basically raised me.."

Charlie frowned.

-"I know it's hard, Y/N.. But if you stay strong, you can make it through this.."

I nodded, but inside, I knew I would never get through this, no matter how strong I was about it.


Almost cried whenever I made Y/N think about Monty and DJMM 🥲

(OLD) <COMPLETE> Something Between Us; A Sun/Moon X Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now