Chapter 40

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You were very fucked indeed. The first order of business you had to deal with was trying to keep two healing Valkyrie in their fucking beds. It was a nightmare. They were the worst patients ever and kept trying to insist that they needed to get up and get to work. They kept reminding you how very much there was to do. You sighed and sat on the edge of Munin's bed. "I know there's a lot to do. We need to reopen the training facility, begin my training, and prepare for the Valkyrie to return. Plus, I have two rambunctious children to raise, a Loki to keep out of too much mischief, and two healing Valkyrie who don't want to stay and heal," you reminded the pair of them. "I can't do it all alone, so we have to work together."

It was Frigga who had given you the suggestion of a new strategy. The Valkyrie were bound to service to the throne of Asgard. Especially these two Valkyrie. They had been bound to Odin's service for centuries, to the point that it was all they knew anymore. So you had to work with them and not against them.

Munin took the bait first. She perked up, looking excited and her wings shifted a little in interest. "You need our help?" She asked, curious and interested and looking so very, very young.

You nodded, thanking the Norns that Munin had taken the bait. She was the more open and talkative of the two and the one more likely to listen. But you knew that anything you said to one, the other would hear as well. "I do," you confirmed. "I need to check on Loki and make sure to remind him to keep his mischief down when he's ruling over the nine realms," you sighed in exasperation. You loved your husband dearly. That didn't make him less of a troublemaker or less of a little shit when he felt like it.

And you were one of two people in the realm who could actually get him to behave. The other was his mother and she had a lot on her plate too. Keeping the nine realms in order when the Allfather was gone was not an easy task. Loki had to step up and learn quickly and needed Frigga's experience and expertise to help him do so.

"Can you two watch the twins?" Two Valkyrie, even two healing Valkyrie could manage a couple of mischief babies. Hugin looked offended at being asked to do such an easy task. You had a feeling she had forgotten exactly whose children the twins were. Luckily, you had another task for them. You summoned a stack of paper and writing instruments. "I also need a list of things that we will need to rebuild the training facility and what we'll need for the Valkyrie to return. Any books, supplies, instructors, anything you can think of. We have a lot of work to do." You'd made a promise to Heal and you would keep your word.

Hugin trilled an agreement. Her reactions were still more raven than you'd like, but you knew that she and Munin were healing, were improving. It would just take time. You hoped that Hela would give you the time you needed. She never said how long you had to complete your task.

You didn't want to know what the consequences would be if you failed.

Munin gave you a gentle smile as you handed Narvi over to her. Narvi whimpered and reached for you. He still hated being away from his mama. "It's alright, Narvi. Munin is our friend. I'm sure, if you ask her nicely, she'll tell you stories of Papa and Uncle Thor from when they were little," you soothed him.

Munin laughed and cuddled Narvi close, cooing softly to him. "Don't fret," she told you. "Hugin and I looked after Loki and Thor constantly when they were young." Valkyrie babysitters would definitely keep young adventurous princelings safe.

Vali climbed in her lap eagerly. "Story please??" Both twins asked, looking up at her with the most heartbreakingly pleading eyes. They absolutely adored stories. Their father was the god of them after all. It was a trait that they'd inherited.

Hugin laughed and shooed you off while Munin began to tell a story: "Once upon a time, two little princelings thought it an excellent idea to go explore the royal forest all alone..."

Trusting that your twins were in good hands, you slipped out of the room to find your Loki and make sure he was behaving. The fetterer's work was never done.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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