Korgi M. O'Hara "Scarlett"

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Name: Korgi M. O'Hara / Scarlett

Year of birth; 1961

Place of birth: Austin, TX 

Breed: Corgi 

Rank: 1st lieutenant O-2

Current unit: GI JOE / Ninja Force Subgroup

Past units: no prior units besides training companies

Mos: Counter Intelligence and Medic

Branches of service; United States Army


her real name is Korgi M. O'Hara

She was born in Austin Texas but grew up in Missouri.

Her Primary specialty for the team is counter intelligence. Scarlett is additionally skilled in martial arts and acrobatics. She started training at age 9 with her grandfather and siblings. Their grandfather being an instructor.

She earned her first black Belt at 15. Scarlett also graduated from Summa Cum Laude, and passed her bar exams to practice law before joining the military. She Became a combat  medic and eventually graduated from Army Ranger school.

She eventually received special education in Covert Ops school, Marine sniper school, SAS School, and Marine taekwondo symposium.

Although she is adept with standard weapons as any of her comrades, her weapon of choice is the XK-1 power Crossbow, which fires various bolts with specialized functions.

Her personal motto is "Beauty may only be skin deep,  but lethal is to the bone!"

Despite her skills and bravery. Korgi is an extremely kind and patient dog who prioritizes saving people and helping those in need. She cares deeply about the innocent and her team mates and is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good. She also has romantic interest in team Leader Duke, his real name being Mako

She's been through a lot in her journey but her resolve remains absolute!

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