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"I don't believe mommy loves me anymore..."


Walking around the small town, they looked down and wept silently at their misery. They shook like crazy simply trying to hold themselves up. They had nowhere to go. Lifting their head slightly, they took notice of the time of year it was, it practically hit them like a bullet to the face, for it was their favorite time of year. Halloween! Yet... today it had a completely different effect on them than any other year. Hearing the laughter of kids on the streets filled them with rage. They tried to get away from everyone but failed. There weren't many places they could go, for they were only a child. They used to be exactly like every other kid they came across... So what happened to them? Only they knew the answer to that. Unfortunately for everyone else, they vowed to not let another soul know. Or else they'd be forced to return to her...

Failing many times to ignore everything and everyone, they gave up and walked to the park. They could usually find comfort there, if lucky enough it would be silent. They found an empty bench in a more isolated area. Walking to it they felt a few glares going their way. Short messy black hair covered the child's eyes and part of their face, their clothes didn't look any better than their hair considering their shirt had a little blood staining the sleeves. The feeling of people's attention on them made them feel uneasy. They brushed off that feeling however as they took a seat. Not long after, the park started emptying. It was already pretty dark outside so it was difficult for them to figure out why, but judging by the few candy wrappers they spotted here and there they just assumed everyone had gone home to start looking through their candy bags. Looking around they couldn't help but feel the need to cry. There were still people nearby, just outside the bush walls of the park so people probably wouldn't be able to hear them if they did unexpectedly break down. All the child did was close their eyes, dreaming of better days.

The silence was interrupted by the sound of a knife repeatedly being stroked against a sharpener. The black-haired kid wasn't exactly startled by it, but it did break them away from their thoughts. A sense of danger brushed over them, telling them to run... Yet they sat still. Not moving a muscle they saw the shadow of a tall figure come over them. They turned their head to be greeted by a man with red makeup covering the entirety of his head with matching red horns resting atop his head. The man grinned widely, a bit of drool coming from their mouth. The eyes of the child seemed to sparkle. They were terrified, yes, but they were also fascinated by the likely costume. The man opened his mouth to speak, lifting the hand which held a knife. He lost the words that had been formed in his head and instead he just looked at the child in front of him. Easily, he could've ended the child's suffering right then and there. But what stopped him..? He felt sorrowful for the kid, it was obvious they weren't exactly in the best state which caused the grin on his face to slowly fade. They turned their body around, positioning themselves on their knees to be able to get a better look at his face. They gripped the back of the bench to support their body. A sweet smile soon appeared on their face. They giggled as they admired the costume of the man standing in front of them. The bravery of the child amused the man, it was very obvious they were in danger but they showed no intention of trying to run from him. He chuckled lightly, looking at their clothes a last time, questions beginning to flood his mind. "Now aren't you a curious little thing." He spoke, lowering his hand containing the knife and then putting it into a belt hidden underneath his sweater which contained other utensils. He walked around the bench and took a seat next to the black-haired kid.

He immediately noticed them shaking, struggling to hold themselves up. Once more the kid turned around to face him. They continued smiling at him, eyes still sparkling. The taller figure smiled back, showing slight concern. He kept noticing things he found worrying such as the slim and unusually skinny figure of the kid. "Sweetie... Have you eaten anything recently?" He questioned, seeing the smile on their face slowly form into a frown. The child looked down to the ground and shook their head no. Not very happy thoughts and memories began to take over the poor kid's mind, and it could be seen through their glare at the ground. The man took notice and worried deeply now. He tilted the kid's face up to face his as he moved the hair covering their face behind their ear. He smiled gently, rummaging through a bag he carried with him, pulling out an apple and a small chocolate bar. "I can't give you much, but I suppose this will do for right now," he said before handing the treats to the child. Hesitantly, they took the items being handed to them. They smiled and set them down before balancing themselves up and hugging him as tight as they could. "Thank you, sir..!" they managed to get out, their voice cracking. It was only an apple and some chocolate, but the amount of gratitude they showed toward him tore something inside him, triggering a single tear to fall from his eye. He patted them on the back, wiping the tear from his eye which smudged the makeup on his face lightly. The kid pushed themselves back up and then sat back down. They began to happily munch on the apple. The man watched as he chuckled, conflicted about what to do. He had just met the kid but he knew they weren't in a good place currently. He'd be more than happy to take them in as his own! But it could be counted as kidnapping, and he already had enough problems with the police. He couldn't afford another.

The man kept questioning himself on what to do. His thoughts were interrupted by the kid poking the side of his arm. Shaking his head he turned to the kid who had a worried look on their face. "Sir... Are you alright?" The kid asked in a low tone. "O-Oh! Yes, dear. I'm alright" He said reassuringly. His words didn't seem to be enough to convince the kid, since the same look rested on their face. "Are you sure..? You were looking at the ground and you seemed upset..." They said setting the apple in their hand down. The man chuckled, shaking his head "Dear, don't worry about me! I assure you I'm fine," he stated in a calming voice. "You just finish your apple, you need it" he added, placing a hand on their back. The kid smiled lightly and picked their half-eaten apple back up, beginning to munch on it again. He rubbed their back, comforting the kid as he watched them nibble away on the apple. The kid looked up at him, smiling to the best of their ability. After a few minutes, the kid stood to throw away the core of the apple then returned and sat beside the man again. They looked at each other before the man broke the silence once more "Hey if you don't mind me asking... Is everything alright at home..?" He questioned. The kid looked at him with an expression difficult to read. It was filled with sadness, confusion, and fear. They looked down and shook their head, mentally preparing themselves for the tears that are yet to come. They avoided eye contact, not wanting to break the vow they'd made to themselves. "Dear, I won't push it, but I won't be able to help unless I know what's wrong..." The man spoke, scooting himself closer to them. The kid sniffled a few times before finally looking up, moving hair from their face. "If I do tell, you have to promise not to tell anyone." The kid stated sternly. The man hesitated for a moment before he nodded, "I promise you, I won't..." He said, gazing at them with a sense of worry.


{ A/N } Holy shit 1416 words. NIICCEEE.
Sorry if it's confusing to keep up with :( Anyways um, hope this is good so far lol. Next chapter should be out soon :]
Alrighty, byee~!

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