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Genji and his brother had a strange relationship, honestly strange isn't the right word to use when you're still close with the brother who tried to kill you. Genji had joined Overwatch which was now one big group again once the corruption from Blackwatch had been resolved and all members reconnected. Although Jack had a stern talking to with all of them and threated a few to behave average conversation. Overwatch couldn't afford another massive scandal like that, the world needed heros they could trust. Cassidy and Genji were two of the original Blackwatch members who were now a part of overwatch once again—Cassidy still remembered the day Genji joined their team, he was half dead and blood soaked. His body looking like a bunch of mangled pieces rather than a human body with a skeleton still inside. Angela couldn't even tell if he was a human at that point. She took him into surgery and had to work quickly, eventually molding his real body with an omnic shell because of how much damage had been done to him. That's how they got here with Genji being barely human anymore. Cassidy still remembered how Genji sobbed when he first saw how he looked, it wasn't an insult to Angela's work, not in the slightest. At this point Genji owed her his life. Instead, the tears began to fall at the loss of his humanity. At the loss of the human feeling and the touch of his skin with someone elses. He would never be able to hold hands with someone and feel that shock of excitement flush through his body. He couldn't kiss someone without being ashamed of his scarred face. Genji didn't speak for the first 4 weeks at Overwatch, still too shell shocked by everything that had happened to hold idle banter with anyone. Cassidy would often hold one sided conversations with him, trying to ease the pain a little bit which eventually led to the cowboy and ninja becoming best friends.

So, you could imagine the shock on everyone's face when Genji said they should invite Hanzo to Overwatch. "You're joking right? This is some sort of stupid joke?" Cassidy hissed from the other side of the room as Genji explained the idea to everyone. Angela who had been cuddled into his side had backed up in pure shock, "We can't do that, no way. He tried to kill you! Why the hell would you want to invite him here?" She said hurriedly looking at the Alpha as though he had lost his mind even throwing 'hell' in there which was very seldom a word which escaped the medics mouth. "It was an order from our father, he wouldn't have done it without the order. Hanzo is a master with a bow and arrow and could be a great teammate." Genji said nonchalantly. Angela and Cassidy looked at each other before making a look of disgust to Genji, "No way, that's not happening." He huffed and fell back onto the couch, "We don't know what he is capable of, we can't bring him in here with our omegas and pack when we don't know if he would harm any of them. Have you even told Jack this idea? He will lose his mind." Genji sighed and intertwined his hand with Angela's. Although she was upset about the situation, she wouldn't pull her hand away from her alpha, instead she intertwined her hands with his and dug her nail into the small patch of skin on his hand to silently tell him, she still wasn't happy about the idea. "Cass, Angie. You both know I would do nothing that could harm the pack, I have spoken to Hanzo, and he has left the clan. He worked against my father once he 'killed me' and helped destroy the clan. He is on our side. I promise you both that he is harmless."

It took hours to convince Angela and Cassidy and hours more to convince Jack and Gabe. "You will be held responsible if anything happens to any of the omegas on base." Jack said with a fierce voice, Genji nodded quickly, silently wishing Angela was here. "Nothing will happen to any of them. All but one of our omegas are marked and as for Lucio, I will look after him carefully." Jack bit down on his lip, not knowing what else to say. "Okay, when will he arrive?" He wished Gabe was here, just his company would make this uncomfortable situation feel a little bit better. "He can be here tomorrow, Tracer said she can fetch him from Japan when they make their mission from Busan home." Jack nodded before dismissing Genji. The meeting went...better than expected.

The next day came too quickly for Cassidy, he was waiting at home while a few of their members were in Busan. He was playing a game with Genji to try and calm his nerves for Angela as she was away on the mission. "I really hope you're right about your brother." Genji laughed softly and looked at Cassidy, "Cole, I know my brother—we are from the same blood. I promise you that I know what I'm doing." Cole could only sigh, "You have said this before, and we ended up almost dying on a mission. You saying that you're right about something is never trustworthy." That's when Lucio slid into the room, "Morning!" He said cheerily, sliding his way onto the couch next to Genji. "How are you two doing this fine day?" Cassidy gently sniffed the air, "Genji is stressing because Angela is out on a mission and I'm pretty good." Lucio looked over at Genji before punching his shoulder softly, "Angela is a big girl, she will be okay." Although Lucio was younger than the two others, he was able to hold comfortable conversations with them and even throw in a few jokes about the others. "How come you didn't go with on the mission?" Cassidy asked once silence broke over the conversation. Lucio looked up and laughed softly and took his seat next to Cassidy now. "Commander Gabriel told me to stay off my mission because my heat might start soon—he didn't want talon to use something that could bring it on and make myself vulnerable."

Lucio was always comfortable talking about his heat, mainly because he didn't have a mate yet and wanted the alphas to know when it would happen so they could keep their distance. "Alright, Angie is coming back soon so whenever it starts just call her if something feels wrong or if you need support." Lucio smiled and looked at Genji, "Yes sir, I will do. Angela has already given me this run down 40 times." He mumbled before grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on the table and heading back to his room.

ABRUPT ENDING BUT THIS IS IT FOR THE FIRST CHAPTER!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED. votes and comments appreciated a lot <3

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