First encounter

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"Seven" i looked up from the test they gave everyone. At least whoever's in this lab.

Humans went extinct about 300 years ago but due to recent studies they brought about 30 of us back to study us. Like the dinosaurs.

"Yes?" I handed my test to the bear that was in charge of the few of us that were taking the test. "Remember your dads deal?" I nodded "whoever gets perfect scores on the social test will have an actual test in the real world." I looked forward "and many other tests." The bear continued.

I hummed while somewhat paying attention "you got perfect scores all your life. So number seven you'll be going out into the real world" my attention went straight up to him. He then pulled me by my arm, he almost threw me against the wall since he was a bear and I only got a small supply of meat.

So I didn't have any fat or muscle.

Me and him packed all my stuff and before I knew it I was placed into a strange school. With herbivores and carnivores.

"Good morning everyone! Today we have a new student, one of a kind!" The teacher waved his arm for me to come in.
When I walked in everyone's mouths dropped or their eyes went wide.

"Introduce yourself" the teach smiled. It's so weird to see someone so friendly and a herbivore at that.

"I'm seven, it's nice to meet you all.." I sort of looked away from the class as I could feel a stare that could kill me.
Then some of them kindly said "nice to meet you!" The teacher told me to take my seat and I did so. Next to the largest animal ever!

A tiger!

I bet he could hear how scared I was.

"Nice to meet you" I looked up at him "my names bill" my attention went to his hand that I shook.

How the hell did animals evolve into this!?

"Nice to meet you to" I smiled.

Bills pov

Wow! A human!
This is so cool!

But.. why is he so small? Weren't human's supposed to be at least six feet!?

But he's a lot smaller then what they said they'd look like. And he doesn't look to be 63 kilos! He seems to be less then 47! Does he eat properly?

At least 4 or 5 feet.

His hair was black and sort of long. His eyes were black too it was actually pretty cute! Wait no hes a dude!

Bill x male reader (Beastars) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang