"Yes, senior sister." The seer once more bowed respectfully, opened the lid of the black vase, and watched how the soul slowly sunk into the lake before she closed the lid, turned around, and went back to do what she was told to.

"Senior sister..." The recently ascended seer called her.

"You want to know what just happened, I assume?"

"Yes, senior sister."

"The soul in the black vase was a sinner in its past life. He killed many people and was very dangerous. He has been dangerous since he was a child but it got better after he met his fated person. His fated person however was born a seer and when the time of decision came, and his fated person ascended to the divine realm, the sinner became unstoppable. He couldn't accept the separation from his fated person and didn't know how to behave now that he was gone. So he lost his mind and killed people relentlessly until one day he died. But all that happened thousands of years ago and it belongs to the past. "

"His fated person became a seer?"

"The fated person was always someone to bring peace to the world. He was the one who stopped the sinner from sinning after all. But when he got the chance to become a seer, become immortal, and help people for many many years, he took the chance. He left the sinner albeit it hurt him quite a lot. The sinner wasn't the only one to suffer from the separation, he was just better at hiding it. He had the chance to either keep his memories or to get them erased."

"What did he choose, senior sister?"

"Most of us have decided to erase our memories from our normal life to not suffer from pain or longing. But he chose to keep them. The reason only he knew."

"Maybe it was because he felt guilty for leaving and wanted to punish himself by forever keeping that memory?"

"We never speculate, my dear junior sister. Everyone has their opinions, ideas, and decisions. We are not to speculate and not to judge. Remember that."

"Yes, senior sister. May I ask if I will meet that seer?"

"Unfortunately not. Due to an unfortunate incident, your senior brother left the world a few years back. But he has been placed in the Lake of Rebirth as well."

"Does that mean these two will meet each other again?" The recently ascended seer asked excitedly.

"He was a sinner. After thousands of years of soul-cleaning, all evilness was erased. But that also means in his next life, he will have no fate."

"Oh... that is... unfortunate... what about my senior brother?"

"If someone is reborn their fate will change. But..." Baoshan Sanren chuckled and looked at the white vase in her hands. "Sometimes fate does stay the same despite being reborn. We will have to wait and see what will happen."

"May I ask another question, senior sister?"

"You may."

"Will every sinner have a chance of being reborn?"

"Most of them will be allowed to after their soul has been cleaned. How long that takes, depends on the crimes in their past life. But sometimes it happens that a soul can't be cleaned. It has been damaged too much and to release that soul to the world once more would be far too dangerous. So it will be stored away for good."

"There is no chance of healing?" The young seer asked disappointed.

"No, my dear junior sister, there is no chance of healing."

"I see.... but the sinner has been cleaned so that is good." She smiled and turned round once hearing someone approaching. It was another seer with a white crystal vase in her hand.

"Greetings, senior sister. Greetings, junior sister." She bowed respectfully before nearing the lake to place the soul in her vase into the water.

Baoshan Sanren nodded and held the white crystal vase in her hands towards the young seer next to her. "Today you will be the one to place this soul into the Lake. This will be your first official task."

"Yes, senior sister." The eyes of the young seer brightened as he accepted the vase and walked towards the water. She watched what the other seer did and copy every move. She opened the lid of the vase, placed the soul into the water, and returned to Baoshan Sanren.

"Good word, junior sister. Now you will bring the vase to your other senior sisters for the cleaning."

"Cleaning? Why? I thought he wasn't a sinner?" The young seer asked confused.

"No, he wasn't but a vase has to be cleaned off every trace of its previous owner before it will be used for another soul. This is to make sure no soul will be tampered with. It does not matter if the previous owner was a sinner or not."

"I understand. I will go right away, senior sister." She bowed and walked away while holding the vase in her hand as carefully as if she was holding a raw egg.

"Senior sister." The seer at the lake called Baoshan Sanren, who then turned around.

"What is your question?" She smiled softly.

"Will you tell her?" The other seer looked at the spot where the recently ascended seer placed the soul into the water.

"No, I won't."

"But... isn't that too much, senior sister? Doesn't she have the right-"

"She has no rights on this matter, my dear sister. The goddesses made their decisions and I am not in a position to interfere with that. No one is."

"But isn't she-"

"Rules are rules, sister. There is no exception. The goddesses have been quite lenient with their punishment so there should be no room for complaints."

"Yes, senior sister." As the other seer was about to leave, Baoshan Sanren called her back.

"You have been quite emotional ever since. I understand that and being emotional is okay but it shouldn't go too far as to break the rules. I know you and I know what you are fighting about in your heart and mind. I shall help you with that. You will go to the Home of Lost Souls and will guard the lost souls until I say otherwise. What do you say?"

"Yes, senior sister. I shall report myself to the House of Lost Souls." She answered silently.

"Good. You may go." Baoshan Sanren watched as the seer walked toward her destination before turning around and looking into the water.

"I wish you good luck in your next life, my dear son."

T H E       E N D   (of book 1?) 

This is the end of this story. And like usual it feels weird to end this journey. 

I saw that quite a few of you are interested in a second book and I actually do have some ideas for one. But for now, I will upload the plot of my next book in a few minutes and hope you will give it a try. It's a vampire-themed YiZhan story and as a side couple, we will have HaoXuan and Ji Yang. 

Hopefully, we will see each other over there <3 <3

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