Polu turns to face the nonbender, a wholly unimpressed expression on his face. "Not unless you want me to be like a firebender in temper, too. I'm not bending, so it's not like I'll instantly one-up you."

Sokka sighs and nods. "Yeah, alright."

The pair fall into defensive stances.

After a moment, Sokka steps forward with a punch aimed at Polu's gut.

The latter takes a step back to avoid it. Not missing a beat, Polu throws a roundhouse kick toward his friend's head.

Sokka ducks and jabs the prince's side.

Polu stumbles but quickly rights himself. Time to make old Rumbling Rhino proud. The teen leaps into the air. As he soars over Sokka's head, he turns to face the boy's back and shoves him.

Sokka trips forward.

The prince grabs one of the nonbender's arms and yanks it. With his other hand, he grips Sokka's opposite shoulder, twists his arm, and forces him to the ground. "I win," he smirks.

The boy rolls in favor of his captive arm. He uses his free hand to push on Polu's shoulder and uses his force to swap their positions.

"No, I think I've won this one."

The angry energy escapes Polu's body, leaving behind a heaving, exhausted boy. "Fine."

Sokka's brow creases. "Really?"

The older fights a blush at their positions by turning his head away. "Don't get used to it. Now, get off of me."

"Right- right, yeah." The brunette slides to the ground.

As Polu sits up, Sokka's face falls into concern. "You don't look so good, Polu. Is everything okay?"

The prince stands and bends loose dirt off his blue clothes. "I'm fine," he fibs.

"Are you-"

"Yes, I'm sure," he interrupts. "Go with Aang and Katara, Sokka."

Sokka watches helplessly as Polu stalks toward Appa.

The prince grabs his parka and curls into it. He ignores the murmuring of his friends as he attempts to drift into a dreamless sleep.

Unfortunately for him, the universe is rarely kind.


A twenty-year-old Azulon smirks across the table at a twelve-year-old Polu. "You will be my bride one day, girl. Best prepare for a world of heat."

The pre-teen cringes away from the firebender.

"Now, that's no way to treat your future husband. Bow to me, Princess."

The earthbender shakes his head violently as he backs further away.

"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear."

The younger royal feels his eyes widen in terror when his back comes into contact with a pair of legs.

"Bow to me."

Polu shakes fearfully as he does as he's asked.

"There's a good girl," Azulon coos.

The legs against Polu's back vibrate as their owner speaks. "And now, you shall always belong to the Fire Nation."

The prince scurries away from the towering admiral. "What a pretty boy," he taunts.

"No, I'm not- I'm not pretty. You don't own me!" The ground under Polu cracks and groans.

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