"How are ya feelin' now, Ced?" asked Y/N, sitting on a bench outside.

"Better. I swear to Godric that I will get back at them! Sometimes they just don't know when they have crossed the line." the Hufflepuff shook his head, sitting down next to his friend. "I did not say or do anything stupid when I was under the effects of the potion, now did I?" he sounded anxious, not daring to look at her.

"Uh.. No, not really." Y/N decided not to tell him about their kiss as it could lead to them being uncomfortable around eachother.

"Little snake," he turned towards her with an apologetic look "I am sorry I made you miss many classes."

"Ah, no worries. Your well being is more important than my classes. Anyways, I talked with one of my clasmates and he said that he would lend me his notes for the day so that I can catch up. You have no reason to be sorry, Ced. Besides, it's just three lessons."

"I know, but I still feel guilty. How can I make it up to you?" Cedric went into deep though. His face lit up when an idea came to mind "Y/N, meet me at the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest on Friday after classes, alright?" he quickly got up and left without waiting for her answer. He didn't need an answer.


Friday came fast. Faster than Y/N had expected. A sensation was growing inside her stomach as the end of the week was coming. Nervousness, but also excitement. Had no idea why, as she and Cedric were just going to hang out like they used to. Right?

After classes were finished, she left in a hurry to the Forbidden Forest. When she arrived, he was standing next to a blanket laid out on the green grass.

"A picnic?" chuckeled the Slytherin girl. "You know just the way to make it up to me. Even if you don't need to."

"What can I say?" he smiled back at her, taking her school bag in one hand "I know a thing or two about how to please the ladies." and with a flick of his wand, all the food and he drinks he had prepaired appeared right in front of their eyes.

"Woah there! How much time and effort did you put into this?" she asked, amazed, taking a grape and eating it.

"If you really want to know, way to much" he laughed, admiring the girl. He felt happy around her. She was his safe space. He could tell her anything and she would listen for hours and hours without getting bored.

"Was it worth it?" she leaned into the boy, teasing him.

"I don't know. If it makes you happy, not really." he teased her right back, taking a biscuit and eating it. "Want some tea? I prepaired it myself."

"Yea, sure." shrugged the girl, accepting a cup filled to the brim with tea "Isn't this too much? What if I spill it."

"It's so good, you'll drink it all in one go. I guarantee you that. But here is a napkin."

"Thanks." she sipped a little of the warm tea and her eyes widened "Oh Merlin! It is indeed very good. What tea is this? What did you put in it for it to taste so good?"

"A chef never reveals his secrets now, does he? he smirked proudly. "If you want more you can-"

"Just duplicate it using magic" she teased the Hufflepuff.

"No. I do not permit it. You shall come to me and request for more of this tea." he puffed out his chest and posed like a hero

"Oh my Godric! The one and only Cedric Diggory will make me more of this tea if I ask him? I feel so... so THANKFULL! Thank you, my hero!" She thanked her friend in the most dramatic way she could think of.

He lightly punched her arm, laughing "No, really. If you want more, I can make you. By the way, want me to fill your cup again?"

Y/N looked down at her cup and realised that she had finished her tea without realising. She nodded, extending her cup to Cedric. After he filled it up, she accidentally spilled the drink on herself.

"Ugh, are you kidding me?! This shirt is new." she groaned, taking her wand to dry herself out using magic. The Hufflepuff was trying to contain his laugh, but failed miserably. She frowed at him and spilled the rest of the tea in her cup on him. He stopped and looked at her, faking an offended look. He then took the container that had the drink and spilled it on her. That started a tea battle. They used magic to multiply the liquid and then throw it at the other.

"I can't... my stomach hurts... from laughter..." Y/N said between laughs, laying down on the blanket.

"Mine too. Wait... let me just..." Cedric took his wand and dried both of them down. He helped the laughing girl stand up and spent the rest of the day in the library, doing their homework.

𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now