For ten years the now 13-year-old Izuku had endured near-endless torture from his sister and those he once considered friends. The motivations for their bullying were long forgotten. He was not even safe at home as his parents had stopped paying attention to him after his 5th birthday.

Izuku was sitting quietly in his seat as the teacher walked and began to talk.

"Ok class, today you will be choosing your carriers, but who am I kidding?! I know you all want to be heroes!" he said as the class exploded into cheers as the students began using their quirks.

"Hey teach, don't lump us in with all these rejects!" Katsuki shouted standing atop his desk. "Me and my friends are the only ones that will be great heroes! The rest of you rejects would be lucky to end up as D-List failures!"

He kept shouting until the teacher told him to be quiet. "Yes, I see the Bakugos, Todorokis, and Yagis are all applying to the preliminary course for UA university at Aldera High School."

The class began to murmur at this news.

"UA? That's the best hero school around."

"They are the big five so they definitely have a shot."

Everything was going fine until one student asked a dreadful question."Wait. Yagis as in both?" The moment he said this Izuku froze and the class went quiet.

"Deku!!!" Bakugo shouted before slamming an explosion on Izuku's desk. "I thought we told you not to apply for UA. A quirkless loser like you could never be a hero!"

'This is bad. They'll try to kill me after this,' Izuku thought, panicking. "W-w-Well they got rid of the rule that says quirkless people can't apply. S-So I thought I would at least give it a t-try."Izuku said, trying to save himself.

Bakugo was about to start shouting again but before he could the teacher told him to sit down and be quiet. After class Izuku tried to get out of class to try and avoid his tormentors but they had other plans. Izuku was almost out the door when he was suddenly pulled back by Izumi's telekinesis. " Well, well, it looks like a pathetic little deku still wants to be a hero." She said before slamming him into a wall.

"Face it deku you are nothing without a quirk." This time Shoto insulted him.

Izuku could only wait until they had stopped ridiculing him before Izumi finally dropped him. As the tormentors were walking away, Katsuki turned back to Izuku.

"Hey deku, I just thought of a way you could be a hero." He said looking Izuku dead in the eye. "Why not take a swan dive off the roof of the building and hope for a quirk in the next life."

Right there. His former friends and sister walked away laughing after just telling Izuku to kill himself. This was the moment Izuku finally decided that it was time to go. He ran home as fast as he could. His family was too occupied with training his sister to notice him running up to his room and packing the little clothes he had and taking a bit of food from the pantry. Now came the tricky part: if he was going to survive on his own he needed money. So he did the only logical thing to do, he made his way into his parent's room and found his father's credit card. He was surprised to find that it was a platinum unlimited card but didn't question it as it just meant that he had more money to spare.

As he finally when's up to the door of the house's gym to take one last look at his former family. What he saw next however would solidify his hatred for them for life.

Izumi and her parents had just finished a workout in preparation for her becoming a hero. She expected that afterward, they would just have dinner like always but this time her parents had something else in mind.

"Izumi" the green-haired girl turned to her father.

"It's time I tell you something important."'he said before he started to grow larger until he finally revealed himself as... " I AM ALL MIGHT!!!" Izuku watching from the door felt nothing for a few seconds before rage and hatred filled his body. All Might his idol, someone who was supposed to be an amazing person, was really his neglectful father.

"What!? Dad, you're all might!?" Izumi shouted, looking absolutely lost for words.


All might then went on to explain how he had gotten his quirk from his master. The entire time more of Izuku's world than as crumbling his father had neglected him for being quirkless yet he could have given him a quirk, WHY why had he not?

"Wait Dad, why didn't you give it to Izuku he's quirkless after all," Izumi said. A little of the reason she had started bullying showed through.


Izuku couldn't listen to it anymore so he took his supplies and ran to where no one would find him. He ran to the pier and used All Might's card to buy a small boat. He decided to leave Japan altogether and go somewhere he could try and make a difference.

The Grand Line.

Marshal D. Izuku the yonko heroWhere stories live. Discover now