5 • The Awakening

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"You're real," I heard myself mutter. The bewildered edge to my voice sounded foreign.

"Hm," she hummed, "Afraid so."

All I could do was gape at her as she stood over me. She was real. The crystals were real. All of it was real.

The girl knelt down in front of me, her sharp eyes going to mine.

"I don't think we've officially met," she stated, "I'm Cerise."

Introducing myself was on the tip of my tongue, almost like a reflex. It was horrifying to realize she probably already knew exactly who I was.

"You...attacked me," I accused instead, eyes narrowing.

Cerise blinked, seemingly unaffected by my accusation.

"It was a necessary action," she replied.

She then stood, her gaze lifting to look out from the rooftop once again. Her eyes seemed to focus on something in the distance as she scanned intently.

I wondered what she was searching for.

My eyes began to examine her. Now getting to see her up close while not being attacked, I could tell just how otherworldly she appeared.

There was definitely an ethereal quality to her dark wavy hair and olive skin. Even though she wore plain dark pants and a black leather jacket, something was just off- like she was too perfect to be real.

"We don't have much time," she stated, eyes still fixed ahead, "You're awake enough though. It'll have to do."

"What do you want with me?"

Cerise's attention fell back to me, a single brow raising as if amused.

"The same thing the owner of the blue crystal wants," she stated, voice firm. "Your life."

My eyes widened at her words. The two people with crystals both wanted me dead? Why? What sort of messed up blood contract was I tied to?

Before I could ask further questions, Cerise made a soft motion with her hand resulting in red crystal shards materializing around her. She then held her palm open, directing it at my chest.

"What are you-ah!" I inhaled sharply as the shards raced to cover my chest and an intense pull was felt over my heart.

It started out as an insistent tug, and then evolved into a cold burning sensation. I grit my teeth as my entire chest began to constrict in pain. My heartbeat was wildly pounding in my ears.

It felt like my heart was trying to break out from my chest. It pulled and tugged, trying to push past my very own flesh- and then suddenly the pain stopped. I felt a barrier form over my body, allowing my heart to rest.

My chest was heaving as I breathed heavily. All my muscles that had previously tensed, were now like noodles.

I managed to glance up at Cerise, who's amber irises were now alight with fury.

She made a lifting motion with her hand, causing all the red shards to retreat from my chest. Before I could blink, she was kneeling beside me her hand over my heart.

"Dammit," she cursed, "Something's blocking..."

Cerise fixed me with an accusing glare, her fiery orbs were blazing in the night.

"Your defense is high," it wasn't a question, but a statement. "Tell me. What have you been witnessing that's been out of the ordinary?"

I wanted to lie or maybe barter for some sort of safety, but I was still panting from whatever she'd done to me. I didn't want her to do it again.

Heart of CrystalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora