the first time they met you

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the first time they met you
TW: none
request: no


- wednesday • she didn't care for you the first time she saw you standing next to enid • but the more she hung out with enid the more she hung out with you and after a while, she became fascinated with you • sometimes even talking to you instead o...

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- wednesday
• she didn't care for you the first time she saw you standing next to enid
• but the more she hung out with enid the more she hung out with you and after a while, she became fascinated with you
• sometimes even talking to you instead of staring
• she knows she's intimidating so when you didn't mind her personality or looks and acted like she was any other person she started to like you

- enid
• she was obsessed with you the moment she saw you like you were some famous celebrity
• constantly taking photos of you when you weren't looking and without your consent, keeping them for later
• after a few weeks she got clingy but not the insane clinginess like some people *cough rowan*
• tbh, the obsession never wore off but the pictures did because you asked her to stop

- tyler
• he liked you the moment he met you at the cafe
• you slowly became a regular, and he slowly became more consumed by everything you do
• he would watch you from behind the counter, if you were working on homework on your computer he will read what you were writing or watch what you were watching
• he soon memorized your order and what time you'd come on the dot, he'd have your order ready before you were even there

- xavier
• the moment you two met at nevermore he knew he wanted to get to know you
• over time he became super protective and jealous when you'd talk to other people, even as just a friend - he didn't know why or what he was feeling
• the closer you got the more jealous he would get
• some points he wouldn't let you talk to your other friends, he'd drag you away to hang out with him and him only
• it got annoying over time but he didn't care

- rowan
• you were like a magnet, he couldn't leave you alone
• you didn't mind because he was super cute but it got weird after a while of him constantly following you around like a lost puppy, sitting next to you in class, interrupting every alone time you would have
• the only free time you'd get was nighttime in your dorm and bathroom breaks
• when you asked him to stop, he does, but only for a day then he's back to the daily routine of following you around and being your personal assistant

- ajax
• the first time he saw you he thought you were the prettiest/most handsome person he has ever seen
• he couldn't get his eyes off of you till you said something about it he awkwardly looked away
• but that doesn't stop him from thinking about you
• you were all he could think about for weeks before you met again

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