Ch 12: The End?

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Tyler feels the emptiness Sam left behind in his heart and mind. Maybe he's not gone for good, but what's left of him has shrunk to a whisper, hibernating. Now that his body has all this room, he feels like he can be more himself. It's like his mind has expanded to fill his whole body.

Tyler's more connected to his body, he can feel each muscle and bone in his body, and it's like he knows where he is in space for the first time. He's right here, in this body. He can feel the tension of the hyde in his knuckles, but it's dull. He doesn't think the hyde has much power left. Tyler is in control of it now, and it's like the static in his body has finally been silenced.

"Tyler?" Xavier asks, "Are you... you again?"

Tyler shrugs in disbelief, "I don't know if I've ever been just me before. But I'm me now." he stares at Xavier's tear-stained face through the bars, and his heart beats for him.

But then he clears his throat, "So, can you let me out?" Tyler asks with a small smile that breaks into a grin.

Xavier is grinning now, two, and he flexes his powers, raising his hands to the bars. He drains the magic out of them, letting a few of them melt back into paint.

Tyler steps over the threshold tentatively, still mostly naked and covered in cuts.

Then he looks up at Xavier, and all the emotions hit him, and his eyes water, "I love you," he says breathlessly.

"I love you, too, Tyler," Xavier says, his voice hoarse from crying, and he pulls Tyler into a tight hug.

Tyler smiles into the hug, and his tears soak into Xavier's shirt. Xavier squeezes him tight, and he promises to never let him go.

All the feelings that Tyler has about being the hyde come pouring out. He hates that he was the monster this whole time. That his dad was hunting him and that it was his hands that killed all those people. He hates that he was vulnerable to Thornhills attack and wasn't strong enough to ask himself why he was blacking out so often. Why didn't he talk to anyone? Why didn't he ask for help? But something in him knows that he didn't do any of that because he couldn't. Tyler hates that he couldn't, but he's so unimaginably happy that Xavier found out he was the monster and helped him.

If Xavier hadn't, he might still be under Thornhill's control. So more than anger or fear, he's feeling grateful that Xavier is here and that he still loves him.


After Tyler and Xavier get cleaned up, they return to school to get Tyler to the nurse's office. Luckily, he doesn't need any stitches.

When Tyler is all bandaged up, the principal arrives. Weems calls Tyler into her office to talk about all that has happened.

She's not happy that he's a hyde, and there is a ban on hydes at Nevermore, but she's open to him staying if he won't hurt anyone. Tyler shows her his new hyde claws to show her that he's completely in control, and he swears up and down that he didn't know about Thornhill. She believes him.

He promises he won't kill anyone, and he thanks her for being able to stay at Nevermore. Then he starts to leave.

"One more thing," she calls, "your father dropped the lawsuit against Nevermore," Weems says as he gets to the door.

He turns back to look at her, surprised, "Why?"

She smiles sadly, "Because now he knows you're a hyde."

Tyler doesn't know why that twists him up inside, but it does

"Your father asked me, well," she suddenly looks flustered, "Well your father knows you want to stay here at Nevermore, and he doesn't really know anyone here but me, and," she gulps, "He was wondering if you would be interested in... me becoming your legal guardian," she says slowly, carefully, and she looks sad but hopeful.

Tyler's heart panics. His dad was never a good dad, but taking the next step to make it legal is a whole other thing. Apparently, his father wants to be rid of him completely. His heart races, but his body is still and he gulps.

But Weem's hopeful face gets to him, and he smiles. She doesn't have any kids of her own, and he never had any parental figures in his life. She's been surprisingly welcome since he got here, considering the circumstance, and he'd like to have a parent that understood what it was like to be an outcast.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he says, and she breaks out into a big smile, and something clicks in his heart. He won't have to parent himself anymore because he'll have a mother.


When Tyler finally gets out of the office, Xavier jumps up from his chair, "How'd it go?" he asks, his eyes wide with worry.

Tyler smiles softly, "I can stay," he says, and Xavier smiles and pulls Tyler into a tight hug. He's so happy that Tyler gets to stay here. He didn't know what he'd do without him. He wants to be anywhere and everywhere that Tyler is, and if Tyler didn't go to Nevermore, Xavier was planning on dropping out to go to normie school with him. But they are much better together, and Xavier is happy that Weems allowed this.

They head back up to their dorm room holding hands. Then, finally, they get into Xavier's bed and curl up together, Tyler clinging to Xavier's chest.

Now that Tyler is free, they both feel free. They could be whoever they wanted to be, they didn't have to be the monster and the tortured artist. They could just be themselves; two outcasts in love.


Tyler is physically and emotionally worn out, so he immediately falls asleep in Xavier's arms. But Xavier's still awake, thinking. His mind keeps getting stuck on things. Why did Ms. Thornhill make Tyler kill all those people? Why did Xavier have these dreams? What was the painting of the nightshade flower warning about?

And will Xavier be able to protect Tyler from it all?




This is the last chapter, and I hope you liked the book!

I'm considering doing a few more one-shot chapters or another book in this series. I could lean more toward the fluff, smut, h/c, or the au plot line, whatever people are interested in.

I'm also writing some other books and one-shots. I've already got two books planned out and sooo many one-shot ideas. So hopefully I'll be publishing those soon!

Thank you so much for reading!! I really appreciate it <3

Two Outcasts in Love || TylorpeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang