Ch 4: Outreach Day

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Another week goes by, and Xavier can feel his body buzzing, he's had so much caffeine. They've even shared the briefest of conversations on Tyler's break, but Xavier wants more. This hunt for a clue has turned into a habit, and Xavier is hooked, but he's not going for the coffee. So, he's strongly considering just getting decaf tea tomorrow.

However today is outreach day, and Xavier has a real excuse to stop by the Weathervane. Xavier tries to calm his excitement about being assigned to the Weathervane for outreach day. He was worried he'd have to trade for it, but he got lucky this year.

Xavier pushes his way through the door into the coffee shop, and he immediately catches the eyes of Tyler, who is standing behind the counter, drying cups. They smile at each other from across the room, and then Xavier remembers how to walk.

"Hey," Tyler says as Xavier approaches the counter, "What are you doing here?" he asks, but only because it's not the time of day he usually stops by.

Xavier holds up his outreach day assignment with a smile.

Tyler grins, "Let's go get you an outfit." Tyler leads Xavier to the back room, and he shuts the door, muting the sound from the cafe, and suddenly Xavier realizes they've never been alone in a room before. Tyler twists the lock, and Xavier feels a shiver go up his spine.

Tyler looks over his shoulder, "It's because you need to change," he says awkwardly, "We wouldn't want anyone to come in while you're changing."

Xavier blushes, "Right, except you're still here," he points out.

Tyler blushes too, and stammers, "Well I need to give you the outfit." he says, and he pauses before actually making a move to get the Weathervane outfit that consists of a surprisingly silky brown polo, and a branded red apron.

Tyler hands Xavier the shirt first, "Here, this should be your size," he says.

Xavier raises an eyebrow, "You know my size?" he jokes.

"I... estimated," he said, still blushing.

"I bet you did," Xavier says and he elbows him jokingly. They both laugh at the awkwardness of it all.

Xavier clears his throat, "Where should I put my bag?" he asks, and he holds out his backpack.

Tyler blinks, "I can take that," he says, and he grabs it and puts it over in the staff cubbies next to his own.

When Tyler turns around, Xavier is pulling off his blazer, "You're going to stay?" Xavier asks with a hopeful nervousness.

"Well if it doesn't fit, I'll need to give you a different size," he says, and the excuses are falling short. But they both keep going.

Tyler sits down at the breakroom table and licks his lips as Xavier pulls off his purple hoodie, and he steps forward to drape it over the back of a chair. Tyler stares at Xavier as he loosens his tie, and he just can't tear his eyes away.

Xavier pulls his tie free and lets out a breath, "I've, uh, got a lot of buttons here," Xavier says, trying his best to disguise the nerves in his voice, "If you want to lend a hand?" he offers, and Xavier pauses on the top button and waits for Tyler to respond.

For a moment, Tyler is completely frozen in his chair. His heart is beating fast and he can hardly believe this is happening. Then he cautiously stands.

Xavier gulps as Tyler stands. He can't believe this is happening either. But he wants Tyler to get closer to him, and this is the best chance he's had in a while. Xavier untucks his shirt from his pants as Tyler approaches him.

Tyler stands close to him, and he reaches out his shaky hands and he starts to unbutton the shirt from the bottom. Tyler is overly aware that his hands are close to Xavier's crotch.

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