Ch 3: Harvest Festival

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Over the last week, Xavier hasn't found a single new clue. Although, he has managed to get coffee at the Weathervane every day, just in case.

The morning of the harvest festival, Xavier goes to the Principal's office and tells Weems about Rowan's erratic behavior and how he threw him across the room with his telekinesis. He should have done this when it happened, but his first assumption was that they wouldn't do anything about it, or worse, they wouldn't believe him. However, after a week of sleeping on the floor of his studio, he felt he should probably tell someone about it.

Weems promises something will be done about it immediately, but Xavier is still doubtful.

And he had reason to be because Xavier had just passed Rowan in the hallway, and Rowan looked pissed. Xavier ducked into a stairwell and headed straight for the harvest festival because at least outcasts know not to pick a fight in a public place.

Xavier is scanning the crowd for Rowan's signature glasses, but instead, he lands on Tyler's reddish brown wavy hair. Xavier's feet start moving before he knows what he's doing. Tyler looks in the opposite direction, and Xavier has a chance to walk away, to do something else, anything else, but he doesn't. Instead, he keeps pushing forward through the crowd until he reaches Tyler.

"Hey," Xavier says, trying to be casual.

Tyler startles slightly, "Hi," he says, "What are you doing here?" he asks.

"At the Harvest festival?" Xavier asks with a laugh, and they both share a smile, "What are you doing?" he asks. He follows Tyler's gaze to the Ferris wheel.

Tyler lets out a long breath, "Well, I was considering having fun," he starts.

"Having doubts?" Xavier asks, continuing the bit.

Tyler shrugs, "I just don't get it," he says, looking up at the Ferris wheel, "You just get on, go around once, and it's done. What's so great about that?"

Xavier looks shocked, "Have you seriously never been on a Ferris wheel?" he lets out a laugh.

"What?" Tyler says, and it looks like he's blushing, "I didn't like heights as a kid. And then it just... never happened."

Xavier grins, "Come with me," Xavier says, taking Tyler's hand and leading him quickly through the crowd.

"What?" Tyler says, "No, it's fine, I don't need to," Xavier hears this, and he slows down and turns back to look at him, but Tyler changes his mind when he sees Xavier's face, "You know what? Yeah, let's do it." and Xaviers face breaks into a broad smile, and Tyler can't help but smile back.

They continue through the horde of people and slip into the line for the Ferris wheel. Luckily the line is moving fast.

When they come to a stop, Tyler gulps. Xavier looks down at their hands, and he lets go quickly.

"Sorry, it was just more practical, you know, to navigate the crowd," Xavier flusters.

"I'm sure," Tyler says, giving him a skeptical smile, "You're all practical these days."

Xavier smiles awkwardly at the reference and looks up at the Ferris wheel. From right underneath it, it does look pretty tall.

They step forward as the line moves, and suddenly it's their turn, and the empty seat is turning towards them. The Ferris wheel pauses for them to scoot onto the two-seater bench and strap in.

"These straps are safe, right?" Tyler asks nervously, his breath catching in his throat.

Xavier shrugs with a sly smile, "I guess we'll see." he says, and the Ferris wheel lurches into motion.

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