The Way Of The Ninja(Part 2)

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(Y/N)'s POV
Days went by as Kai trained and he was not fast enough, Sensei told me that I could do anything I wanted since he is busy with Kai at the moment. I'm having nightmares lately in sleep and I thought to myself that they were real or maybe a vision.
(Y/N)'s POV
I finished washing the dishes while also washing Sensei's teapot, I suddenly something outside and It sounds like fighting.
I quickly put the plates and the teacup away before I rushed to see what was causing all the ruckus.
I slide on the door to see all of them fighting and three of them were fighting Kai as if he is a stranger there since I forgot to tell them about him when I told Cole, Jay, and Zane to return to the monastery.
I walk straight into them before stopping them by using my telekinetic power as I lift the two in the air right above Kai before they made a dogpile on him.
"ALL OF YOU STOP!"I scolded them before I see Sensei come out to see us.
When I see sensei, I put the two of them down gently on their feet.
"We're sorry (Y/N)" Jay apologizes to me as I just cross my arms at the future lightning ninja.
"Wait a minute their your students too?" Kai asks Sensei as Wu nodded in response.
"This was my final test wasn't it-" Jay then cut off Kai.
"You never said about the fifth, It's always four-" Jay start to rant before I cut him off.
"Jay, I already told you about this, and yet you forgot," I told him as I uncross my arms.
"Uh, what he's trying to say, (Y/N) and Sensei Wu is that the four of us have trained together. We're solid" I heard the future elemental master of earth explain to me and sensei. I forgot to them about the golden weapons and I'm not included since the element of darkness doesn't have a golden weapon that was made by the first spinjitzu master.
"Didn't look so solid to me?" Kai commented as he cross his arms.
"Master and (Y/N) what is the meaning of this?" I heard the future master of ice ask Sensei and me.
"Each of you has been chosen, Each in tune with elemental properties, "Sensei told the four since I know my element already ever since a few days of training with Wu.
"But first, Ninja go!" Sensei did his spinjitzu before he went through us, Our outfits have been changed into our perspective colors.
Kai is red, Zane is white, Jay is blue and Cole is still black. For, I now wore a dark purple ninja suit while wielding a metal hammer in my right hand.
"Whoa! how did he do that?" Kai said while looking at this new ninja suit wielding his katana in his left hand.
"Look what color I am" I heard Jay before I see him wielding his nun chucks.
"Wait a minute I'm" I heard Cole as he is confused about why he is still the same color. I looked at my hammer and the handle
Kai, master of fire, it burns bright in you" Sensei said to him before turning to Jay.
"Jay is blue, Master of lightning," Sensei said to the future elemental master of lightning.
"That's not all I'm the master of, I do a little inventing, I dabble in model building, touch if cooking, a little poetry-" Jay started yapping again since I sometimes want to tell him to be quiet but I respect everyone's ways of either be quietness or maybe non-sense talk unless Jay needed to shut up. There are times when I could imagine myself being able to shut his mouth with my telekinetic powers.
"More like mouth of lightning" I heard Cole say to Jay and I nearly burst out laughing while holding in my laughter when he said that to Jay, 
"Black ninja is Cole, Solid as rock, Master, of Earth," Sensei said to Cole.
"Nice to meet you kid, I got your back," Cole said to Kai while pointing his weapon.
"And for the record, there ain't nothing in this world that I'm afraid of" Cole informed us while removing his ninja mask, revealing his black shaggy hair.
"Except for dragons" I heard Zane tell us and Cole will be not happy about seeing one in person because we are going to find the golden weapons tomorrow, at least that's what sensei told me, a few moments ago.
"Dragons aren't from this world, Zane," He told Zane, and I smirked at myself because he does not know that there are 4 four total dragons.
"I said in this world" Cole added.
"and the white ninja is Zane, Master of Ice and seer with the sixth sense" Sensei informed us and I didn't know that before I meet him.
"I sense this one takes things a little too seriously" Kai commented on Zane,
I sometimes think Zane is a little weird since he never laughs even in Jay's jokes.
"You two have the gift?" Zane asks Kai before I heard Jay laugh at him.
"He's just making a joke Zane, remember what we talked about your sense of humor huh?" Jay talked to Zane as the blue ninja took off his mask.
"Yes, it was a joke" Zane replied and he did a worldly laugh instead of a normal laugh.
"And finally, (Y/N) master of darkness while also possessing the power of telekinesis" Sensei informs them as they looked at me. They were shocked because I often refuse to use my elemental of darkness.
"Darkness?" Jay exclaims in shock before I removed my ninja mask.
I showed my hand and it is now covered in a dark purple while radiating black from my palm.                                                                             "His elemental powers could be unstable if not trained correctly" I heard Sensei tell them and I see Zane look at me in empathy.
I will not let my elemental power of darkness consume or control me at least that is what Sensei told me.
"Pay attention!" As we heard Sensei, We went back to the matters at hand to get my mind off my power. 
"You four are the chosen ones who will protect the four weapons of spinjitzu from Lord Garmadon," Sensei said to them.
"Wait...Four?" I heard Jay got confusion since they were five of us.
"Darkness has no golden weapon Jay," I told the blue ninja since the elemental power of Darkness was not included during the time of the first spinjitzu master's golden weapon that he created, Wu told me that he was just a little boy back then.
"But what about my sister!?" I heard Kai question Sensei impatiently while pointing his sword. I would do the same as Kai if I have a sibling but I'm the only child in my family.
"We're saving a girl...Is she hot?" I heard Jay and this cringes me because I have a hunch that Jay will flirt with Kai's sister named Nya.
"Jay" Cole and I said in unison.
"I just want to know what we're getting ourselves into" The blue ninja defensively clarifies to Kai and me.
"Does she like blue?" Jay asks Kai as I rolled my eyes at his question,
"Back off" The red ninja warned Jay and I have a feeling Kai is way overprotective since I do not see their parents back at the blacksmith shop at Ignacia.
"When we find the weapons, We will find your sister" I heard Sensei reassure Kai. I got extremely curious about what those golden weapons would do if we obtained them.
"It is time, We must go to the first weapon" Sensei added since our time could run out.
"Ohh. Hold on a minute, You said you were gonna teach us spinjitzu?" Cole asks Sensei since they haven't done that yet except for me who already knows how to do it.
"Spinjitzu is inside every one of you but it will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found" He explained to the four,
"Come! My feet are tired. We will take the horse carriage" Sensei added before he left us.
"(Y/N) can teach us how to do spinjitzu?" I heard the blue ninja ask eagerly at me.
I chose to let them find their key to performing spinjitzu instead of telling them.
"I'm sorry but you have to learn this one a hard way like me, Who trains under Sensei Wu for a few months" I simply told Jay before I see the blue ninja frown at me.
"Great" I heard Cole
"Why not (Y/N)?" Jay asks me before I crossed my arms at the blue ninja.
"How will you learn if you don't do it yourself?" I replied in annoyance at Jay.
"I'm feeling like he's taking us for a ride" I heard the black ninja say to us and bad news, There are no horses in the monastery ever.
"Well if it means finding my sister then sign me up" I heard Kai and I see him putting on his ninja mask, I just hope Kai would learn to be patient or bad consequences will affect him and the rest of us.
We then prepare to leave to get the golden weapons of spinjitzu and fight whoever we faced in our path.

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