Prologue: (Y/N) meets Sensei Wu

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[December 24, 12:45 A. M.] - (A/N: I think I might edit this)
(Y/N)'s POV
My powers got worse and worse every passing week. I nearly killed a student because of it and one night I packed my things before I left my house to keep them safe from me. The worst part of having this power is when I got angry. I nearly killed a student who kept bullying me after that incident. The principal called my mother before I head home and my mother was so worried about me.
This is where I left and packed my things.
I ran away to the forest and live there.
Good thing my father taught me survival and now I lived off animal meat I had a wolf companion with me but sadly he was gone, nowhere to be seen after we separated in the stormy weather and I think he went missing after that storm.
It took me months to build a home in the forest and on the plus side whenever I'm calm, my powers are not acting up.
~4 months later~
I grabbed an axe that the lumberjacks gave me and this axe is a reward for saving them from wild animals.
Today I decided to cut wood outside my newly built house.
I start swinging my axe before cutting some wood.
"Hello there. Young one" I heard a voice before I see an old man wearing a rice hat and a long white beard.
"Who are you?" I ask the old man before I put down my axe.
"My name is Wu and I know that you need help controlling your elemental powers of darkness" He answers calmly before my eyes went wide at him and I was speechless at how he knew.
"Look (Y/N). I know that this is hard for you to understand but your powers can do worst than good and I can teach you how to control your elemental powers of darkness" Wu explains more before I look at my left hand as darkness shows briefly before returning to normal.
"I...I accept your offer...Wu" I accepted his offer before he smiles at me.
This is the chance to see my parents once again. No more pain, No more running away.
"Great now follow me," He said as he starts walking before I follow him.
This is the first opportunity and I will not waste it.
'Don't worry mom and dad I will come back promise once this whole thing is over" I thought to myself as I continue following Wu

The Boy who wields darkness(Season 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon