Have You Heard of Kisaragi Station?

Start from the beginning

This was my life's work, and I would complete it no matter the cost. 

It was only at the last moment, when I stood at the precipice, stared into the abyss, that the abyss pulled me in. The last words. The final spell. Ruined, all because I allowed myself to be exposed to the elements.

The coughing fit was a short one, but it was all they needed. The darkness became tangible, reaching out with appendages I couldn't even recognize. The whispers became louder than ever, encompassing me. Devouring the few drops of sanity I had left. 

It was only when I stopped pleading for my life that I realized they were gone. My heart stopped pounding. It had stopped completely, in fact. I had no urge to take breath. My life functions had completely ceased. And yet, I was still alive. 

It wasn't a mercy.

When I woke up, the train was up and running. Five other people were on the train with me. Either asleep or dead. I feared the latter no more than the former. If they were asleep, what would happen once they woke up? But if they were dead? What would happen to me? Why had I been left alive? 

The lights in the train kept flickering like some bad horror movie. I kept looking around to see if there was a station plan or something, but there was nothing. The seats were torn up and had bits of fluff peeking out everywhere. I swear I saw moths out of the corner of my eye. 

I wanted to shake the passengers awake, but I wasn't going to touch them. My paranoia was beginning to take over logical thinking. What if they were infected with some disease, and breathing the same air as them would kill me? What if I was already dead and being sent to Hell? What if this train was going to kill me? 

I shook my head. I was going to go insane if I stayed here. 

As if responding to my command, the train screeched to a stop. I took one step outside and bolted back in. 

Like hell was I going down the Hasumi-route. 

Or so I thought. The train had other plans. Of course it did. 

When I walked back in, the train vanished. I don't know what happened. I blinked and it was...gone, leaving me to crash into the train tracks below. 

The scent of cold metal mixed with the taste of blood as I nursed my wounded jaw. There was no pain, but the shock was enough. I didn't want to cry, but I'd gone through enough. I screamed into the night, pulling out every bit of emotion I had until there was nothing left. 

One loud, guttural roar that was swept away by the wind. 

Well, at least, it should've been a loud roar. But it wasn't. I felt my frozen heart begin to run a marathon. Every hair on my body came to life, springing up like a cat touched by Old Nick himself. I opened my lips and tried to say something. 


The anxiety was beginning to worsen. Hasumi. She'd gotten off the train and was never seen again. What would happen to me? Oh god, where did the spirits send me too? What kind of hell was this?

I could feel the voices all around me. The eyes followed my every move. What was this horrible realm? 

Faces formed out of the darkness. No, not faces. Faceless beings appeared out of nowhere, staring at me with nonexistent eyes. The train tracks were their fingers; the wind their voices. All said one word.


I felt like I was being skinned alive, but without the pain. I don't feel anything, in fact. 

Why feel? Why not just sleep? All I have to do is close my eyes, and go to sleep. I don't have to wake up. I can be part of this. Part of something greater than myself. All this while, I have thirsted for knowledge. But why? What good will it do me? 

Even with all the knowledge in the world, Kisaragi Station will be my final destination.

To refuse is futile. To resist is foolish. All I have to do is sleep...

No! I need to stay awake. I need. To stay. Awake. I won't fall asleep. I can't fall asleep. No. I won't fall asleep! I can do it, right? Right?

I don't want to sleep. But every second is one where my strength tries to fail me again. I can't fight it for much longer. 

Have you heard of Kisaragi Station? 

Be glad you haven't. Be scared you did. It doesn't matter. We all come here one day. Here we will live. And here we will sleep. 




Because here at Kisaragi Station, that is all we can do. 

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