Drew shook his head "you never loved me, the fact you can go get pregnant by that little boy is sick!" Drew yelled.

Kierra shook her head, she didn't like to point the fingers with her parents. but her father was obviously the problem.

"oh please John, you are so crazy it's fucking sad! how could I love someone that punched me in my damn mouth every time I spoke?, and that little boy you're speaking about has been more of a man then you have ever been. We are nothing Drew and never will be, we have two beautiful children and thats it"

As Drew & Karen argued, Kierra heard a knock on the door instantly going to open it.

In front of her there was a lady with black-ish ginger hair, who sort of looked like her mother. "Hello, i'm looking for Drew?" the lady smiled at Kierra.

Kierra shook her head amazed by how the lady looked similar to her mother, you could tell the difference. the lady definitely looked like her mother but wasn't identical to Karen.

"oh yes, he's in here" Kierra let the lady in, Karen looked over noticing the familiar face.

"hey baby I was just making sure everything was okay, you said you wouldn't be long" the lady smiled.

Karen eyed the lady, she had recognized the lady from the restaurant she was at with Darius.

"everything's fine my love, i'll be in the car soon" Drew ran his finger over the lady's face making her blush.

Karen laughed in disgust, she knew what Drew was doing. he was so obsessed with her to the point he needed to move on with someone who looked some-what like Karen.

"I love your dress by the way" The lady spoke to Karen before leaving out the front door.

Karen grabbed her purse "Kierra, i'll call you later I need to get away from your crazy ass father"

Kierra nodded and hugged her mother tightly, Karen walked towards her car noticing the lady staring at her.

Karen quickly began to head home, as she drove she clicked Dorinda's contact in her phone.

"hey whats up Karen? Darius ass acting up again?" Dorinda said over the phone.

"n-no its not him this time, I just left Kierra's house and while I was there Drew decided to pop up. He dropped a bomb telling me & Kierra that he is getting married next month and he wants us to come"

Dorinda chuckled over the phone "not only is he getting married, but he's getting married to someone who looks like me. remember I told you I seen a lady that somewhat looked like me? well shes marrying Drew and its fucking me up" Karen rubbed her head as she drove with one hand.

"what the hell? we need to get a restraining order against him, is he not tired of getting his ass beat?" Dorinda sighs

"I'm not sure whats going on but this all feels like a dream Dorinda, that bitch kept giving me weird looks like she knew me" Karen rolled her eyes.

"maybe because your the first lady at church and she probably realized you kinda look like her, let me find out mama gave you a twin!" Dorinda laughed.

Desire Of The Soul ...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant