All I can hope for is for me to get better, 'cause all I can take is no more

Start from the beginning

"Calm down, man," she said sheepishly.

J.P. piped up. "Maybe he couldn't travel 'cause of the workload. I worked my ass off last week so I could take the weekend off."

"I have homework too, and I still showed up. He only lives half an hour away! Nobody's asking him to stay the entire weekend, just a few hours. He didn't visit us during the summer, either. None of us have even seen him since spring break." Craig sat down again, slouching in his seat. "Obviously he doesn't fucking like us anymore, and you guys are in denial about it."

They all got quiet at that.

Craig realized he got a bit heated, and muttered out a "Sorry." He slouched lower, his chin resting on the table.

After a moment, J.P. spoke. "Well, screw him. I couldn't wait to come back to Herkleton. Did I tell you guys how much the on-campus housing sucks? One of the dorm buildings flooded last month, and the administration didn't do a thing about it besides give out towels. I'm thinking of renting somewhere with Felix."

Felix was his current roommate and a massive party animal. Craig knew this because J.P could not shut up about him and his exploits. Who knew you could know someone's entire life story without even meeting them? The last sentence caught his attention, though. He lifted his head up. "You're going to get your own house?"

"Well, maybe in a year, I'd need to save up for it. But end game? Definitely." He stole one of Craig's fries and popped it into his mouth.

"I'm probably gonna live with Stacks when I'm older," Kelsey said.

J.P. cooed. "That's so sweet."

"I know. Like, it's probably really corny to say we're gonna be together for that long, but I can hope." She was staring at Stacks now, who was talking with her own group excitedly. Her gaze went soft.

"You guys have been together since you were twelve, I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon. You're like, childhood sweethearts, it's really cute."

"Never-" she pointed a finger at J.P. "-call me cute."

"Oh, is she only allowed to call you cute?"

"No, my Dad is only allowed to call me cute. She can call me smoking sexy, though."

Craig zoned out at their bickering. He couldn't will himself to care about their conversation, his brain still stuck on the topic beforehand.

So much for their reunion.

Vanessa and Jason got up from their own table, still deep in conversation as they walked. Stacks trailed them, listening intently.

Craig could hear Vanessa speaking when they came into earshot. "He would not shut up, even after Mr. Stevenson yelled at him. So I finally say 'Can you keep it down?' and he goes 'Did I ask?'" She put her hands out. "Like, who does he think he is? I can't believe you used to be friends with him."

Jason nodded. "I know, right? He was a dick then, too."

"No wonder you guys got along." Her hands turn into fists. "God, I wanted to punch that fucking look right off his face. He's such a dick."

Stacks finally spoke. "He was always a dick. Remember when he took my copy of The Fault In Our Stars in middle school 'cause there was sex scene in it? And then I saw him reading it a week later? He's such a hypocrite!"

They continued the conversation, while Jason walked up to Craig. "Hey, thanks for inviting me."

"No problem," Craig replied. "I'm glad you're here."

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