▿jump scares▵

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(Phil's POV)

Phil sat, lounging on the sofa, his black fringe looping lazily over his eyes as he huffed, "Daaannnn I'm booorreed!!"

"Then edit a video! Like you should've done ages ago!" Dan called back from his bedroom, laughing. Phil groaned.

"Ew. Work." Suddenly, he sat up. "Oooh! Danyul," he said sarcastically, "let's watch a movie!" There was a shuffling in the hallway before Dan appeared in the door frame. His wavy, brown hair was messily tangled, and he was wearing black jeans that- and- Phil took a deep breath to distract him from his ever-persistent thoughts. He just couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous boy. Phil had liked Dan ever since he'd met him, and had to be very careful to hide it. Dan would probably move out if he knew. Also, Phil was almost positive Dan was straight. (*unlike his hair-*)

"Can we watch a scary movie?" Dan asked, hopefully. Phil cringed inwardly. He secretly hated scary movies, as he scared exteremely easily. But he would do anything to make Dan happy.

"...sure." He hesitated.

(Dan's POV)

Dan tried to cover up his smile. He always loved watching scary movies with Phil, not because of the movies, but because Phil would always get scared out of his mind and snuggle up close to him unknowingly. Dan had liked Phil ever since he'd met him, but he had to keep it a secret, because Phil was obviously straight and would probably throw Dan out of the flat. "Okay, which one?" Phil asked.

"How about Hellraiser...?"

Dan plopped down on the couch next to Phil, turning on the TV and setting up Netflix. He saw Phil flinch out of the corner of his eye.
"You okay?" He asked.

Phil laughed half-heartedly to please Dan.

"...y-yeah," he got up, "I'm gonna go make some popcorn, want some?" Dan nodded distractedly.

When Phil got back with the popcorn, Dan started the movie. The room was pitch black besides the bright glare of the TV. Everything went alright for a while, until something popped up on the screen without warning. Phil jumped about a foot in the air, falling into Dan's side and throwing popcorn everywhere.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh-" He shrieked. Dan tried hard to hide his smirk, looking down at Phil. He looked absolutely adorable with his hair messily swept across his forehead, bright blue eyes wide. Dan couldn't look away.

(Third Person POV)

Phil noticed Dan staring at him out of the corner of his eye- was something on his face?

He felt very self conscious, so he turned his head and buried his face into Dan's arm. Dan instinctively rested his head on Phil's, before his face flushed at the realization that they were cuddling. He lifted up his head, giving Phil some leeway, but he just sleepily wrapped his arms around Dan's torso without meaning to. He was asleep in seconds, as Dan's body was very comfy.

Dan froze. He never wanted this moment to end, he wanted Phil to lay by him forever. Sadly, a scream from the movie disrupted his bliss. Phil stirred before quickly sitting up, blushing.
"-sorry.." he looked away. Dan managed a small smile,

"It's okay, really- I, uh, actually didn't really mind-" he squeaked out before freezing, his face burning, heating up even more so at the  fact that Phil would easily be able to see that he was embarrassed because of the vibrant red hue in his cheeks.

(Phil's POV)

Phil froze. Did Dan like him too? He risked a glance over at him, and took extra note of his bright red face. But there was only one way to find out for sure. "Hey Dan?"

"Mmhmm..." he mumbled in response. Phil scooted back over to Dan, getting lost in his warm brown eyes.

"Can I try something?" he hummed, glancing down at Dan's soft lips. Dan's eyes widened as the impossible happened. Phil slowly brought their lips together.

(Dan's POV)

Dan was shocked. All this time, Phil liked him too! He brought his hand up to the back of Phil's head, scrunching his hand in the soft black hair and bringing their faces closer together. Kissing Phil felt amazing, it felt right. (heh)

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