Spin around the block

Start from the beginning

I like to do my hair and makeup before I put my clothes on because I don't want my hair to fall onto the clothes as I'm doing it. I only have about forty-five minutes left so I need to do something quick. I take my high ponytail out and let my hair fall. I'll straighten it real fast. My hair is pretty healthy, and my curls have never been damaged. But I don't have heat protectant for it so my hair might get a little damaged this time. It's okay though because it won't take long to get it back healthy.

I straightened it and now I only have twenty-five minutes left to get myself together. I rush into my closet and put everything on. I look pretty good.

My ass looks good, my non-existent boobs look good, my hair is flawless, and my makeup is eating. My wings looks so good and identical. I walk into the room to Geo; he's still sleeping. I tap his shoulder, "hmm?" he groans.

"I'm going out." I whisper.

His eyes open immediately, "where?" he asks.

"To the club with Keisha." I let him know.

"What club?"

"The one down the street from the mall."

"Okay, be safe. If anyone, and I mean anyone touches you, gets smart with you, or even remotely looks at you sideways, call me and I'll spin around the block. Okay? Also, you look beautiful, princess." he says as he falls back down onto the pillow.

"Yes, sir and thank you." I kiss his forehead and head out.

As soon as I step outside, Keisha pulls up. I walk to the car and open the door, "hey, Kia." she says.

"Hey," I reply.

She starts driving and eventually starts talking, "I invited you out because I wanted to talk to you about Mea." she says.

"Yeah? What about her?" I ask.

"She's been talking the most shit on you and dragging your name through the mud. I had to cut her off because of that. I didn't like how disrespectful she was getting and I felt bad for her even feeling comfortable enough to tell me all of that. I wanted to meet up so we can hang out. Just the two of us." she says.

I've known Keisha since we were ten, but she's always known Mea, so I've always known why they hung out so much. I'm glad she was on my side this time though.

"What was she saying?" I ask.

"Just the basic 'bitchy' stuff any other mad girl would say. Like "she thinks she better than us," "she's a whore," she even said that you fucked Sully and Geo."

"What? That's so un-true! Geo and I are waiting until he gets done with whatever he's doing so he doesn't have to leave right after we do it. He wants to spend time after we do it. And Sully never even thought about it until recently when I started seeing Geo. But it was too late for him. For us." I say.

"Yeah, I know and I was trying to tell her that but she wasn't having it. I cut her off yesterday because I felt really bad." Keisha says.

I've known Keisha for a really long time. Long enough to be able to tell when she's lying. She isn't right now.

"Thank you... for being  a good friend." I say.

"I wasn't a good friend. I haven't been, and I'm sorry, Key. I promise I'll make up for it. Drinks are on me tonight, okay?"

"Don't forget you said that." I point.

She laughs, "I won't, I won't."


We park down the street from the club but we can still hear the music playing from inside. It's so loud and the base from the music is really hitting. "Awe, hell yeah." Keisha says. We interlock arms and walk up to the door.

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