Chapter 20 Lord Bug (part 2)

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"Wow, Felix! You gave your scooter to a man that had to get to the hospital to assist his child's birth?" Nathaniel asked impressed. They were walking inside the school.
"Naturally! There's nothing more important to me than family" Felix lied again.
He saw Adrien talking with his classmates and noticed that he was acting nervous around a girl: rubbing his nuckles and often looking away.
"Who's that girl with the green hat?" Felix asked to Nathaniel.
"Her name is Marinette Agreste-Cheng" .
"Agreste? Like Gabriel Agreste, the fashion designer?" Felix questioned.
"She's his daughter" Nathaniel answered.
Felix looked again at Marinette.
"Interesting" he whispered, thinking about something.
When the school day ended, Marinette walked out of the classroom. Felix was there, waiting for her, leaning with his back against the wall.
"Hey~" he said, but Marinette kept walking without even looking at him.
"I said Hey!" Felix exclaimed, abbandoning his mysterious-guy pose.
Marinette looked around.
"Are you talking with me?" She asked.
"Yes! I'm Felix. I'm new" He tried a different approach.
"My name is Marinette. Say, are you related to-?".
"Adrien Dupain? Yes. We're cousins" Felix hated when people asked if they were related, because he couldn't lie about who he was.
"I knew it! You look so much like him. Well, welcome to this school, Felix. See you around" She was about to leave, so he prontally asked where she was going.
Marinette wanted to give a look at the book she found.
"Can you show me around the school?" Felix asked.
"Actually, I wanted to go to the library and-" .
"Perfect! Let's go then" He put his hand on her shoulders and Marinette felt uncomfortable.
Felix was playing with his sunglasses while Marinette was checking her father's book.
"What's that you're reading?" Felix asked when he had enough of the silence.
"Nothing important" Marinette answered. Felix tapped on her shoulder and when she turned around, he stole the book.
"Hey!" Marinette protested.
"Is this Mister Bug?" Felix asked, looking at a drawing. Even in Spain, Mister Bug and Lady Noir were famous.
Marinette took back the book.
"You like super heroes?" Felix wondered.
"Who doesn't? They're great!" She said.
Another idea occurred to Felix.
"Can you keep a secret?" The boy whispered.
"Yes?" .
Felix looked around to make sure they were alone.
"I am Mister Bug" He whispered.
Marinette did her best to hold the laughter.
"You are Mister Bug?" She asked with an amused smile.
Felix nodded.
"I'm not supposed to tell my secret identity to anyone, but you seem like a person worthy of trust" He said.
"Oh, I sure am!" Marinette didn't belive a word he was saying, but she wanted to see how far he would go with his lie "If you're Mister Bug, then you certanly know who Lady Noir is".
"Of course I do. But I can't reveal to you her identity yet. Before I can tell you more, we should know each other better" Felix touched Marinette's hand.
"Sure. . ." She said, pulling her hand back.
Felix suggested her to meet at the park next to his appartament and she accepted.
After putting the book in her bag, Marinette left the library.
"Kid, do you really think that guy is Mister Bug?" Plagg asked when they were alone.
"Obviously not! He's just a liar, and I can't wait to find out what else he'll come up to impress me" Marinette said.
"But you can't deny that he does look like Mister Bug" Plagg wanted to see if Marinette noticed that.
"Oh, come on! Not all the blonde boys with green eyes can be Mister Bug. Felix doesn't have anything else in common with him, or with Adrien. I don't get how two people with such different personalities can be related" .
Adrien was going back home alone. He was immersed in his thoughts.
"Is something wrong, Adrien?" Tikki asked from inside his bag.
"I feel a little bad for Felix. We weren't that close as kids, but he doesn't deserve to be moved from a city to another over and over again" Adrien said.
He walked next to the part and saw someone from the other side of fance.
"Wait a minute. Is that Felix. . .with Marinette!?" .
Adrien crossed the gate of the the park and went to hide behind a trashcan, next to the bench where the two were sitting.
Felix showed to Marinette the earrings that a jeweler made him because he said that he was the nephew of the mayor.
"The ladybug Miraculous!" Marinette faked her enthusiasm.
"I inherited them from my grandfather. He was also Mister Bug, you know?" Felix lied without remorse.
"Oh, really? Why don't you show me which one of them is your grandfather?" Marinette took the book out of her bag.
Felix got scared, so he told her something to distract her from the book.
"I-I think you're ready to know who Lady Noir is!" .
Marinette left the book on the bench.
Tikki saw it and immediately recognized it.
"I'm going to put an end to this nonsense" Adrien growled.
"Wait!" Tikki grabbed his hair to hold him back.
"Why did you stop me?" Adrien questioned.
"That book. . . It's the manual of the Guardian" Tikki said.
"What?" Adrien looked at the book that was next to Marinette "Are you sure?" .
"I have no doubts. You must bring it to Master Fu" Tikki told him.
Adrien didn't want to steal from Marinette. But if Tikki was right, then he couldn't leave the manual there.
Adrien sneaked on all fours to the bench, and while Felix was talking, he took the book.
"You made the right decision, Adrien" Tikki said.
"I just hope that Marinette knows how to handle Felix" He sighed before leaving the park with the book.
"You see, Lady Noir and I are very close. We used to date, but it didn't last" Felix was telling her to take time.
"Why not?" Marinette asked, trying to not burst out laughing.
"Because she's so clingy. So I broke up with her" Felix explained.
Marinette didn't laugh to that. His answer actually offended her.
"Which means that now I'm single. But I might be ready to date someone else. What do you think?" Felix was getting closer to her.
Before he could try anything, Marinette said what she was thinking.
"I think. . . you're not Mister Bug" She stood up from the bench "You're not a super hero, and if you were, you'd be a terrible one!" She started to walk away.
"What? Wait!" Felix followed her, but he lost track of Marinette after she left the park.
"Who does that girl think she is!? I would make a better hero than any Mister Bug that has ever existed!" Felix grumped.
His negative emotions were sensed by Hawk Moth.
"I never thought about this. Maybe to defeat Mister Bug, what I need is someone who can equal him. . . Another super hero!" Hawk Moth transformed an Akuma and sent it to the boy.
The butterfly went insidie one of Felix earrings.
"Hello, Lord Bug. I'm Hawk Moth. If you want to proove you can be a hero, I can help you. But you have to promise that you'll bring me Mister Bug and Lady Noir Miraculous and you will leave Marinette Agreste Cheng alone" Hawk Moth established.
"I'll give you their Miraculous, but only after I showed to Marinette that she was wrong about me" Felix made a condition.
"Fine. But don't hurt her" the man accepted.
"I would never!" Felix smiled with satisfaction and got transformed.
He got a ladybug costume that was similar to Mister Bug's, but with inverted colors; his hair was ruffed in a cool way; he got a yo-yo that was tied around his side.
Lord Bug wanted to see if he could really do everything that Mister Bug could.

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